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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 34
Three-axle third-class compartment car (without side corridor) for smokers with large multi-purpose compartment for the conductor/train driver (guard) in the middle
Caption (German)
Dreiachs-Drittklass-Abteilwagen (ohne Seitengang) für Raucher mit grossen Mehrzweckabteil für den Zugbegleiter/Zugführer (Guard) in der Mitte
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 32
Exceptionally small two-axle multi-purpose car: one smoker's compartment at each end (without side aisle), one baggage compartment in the middle and another for the conductor/train driver (Guard)
Caption (German)
Ausgesprochen kleiner Zweiachs-Mehrzweckwagen: an den Enden je ein Raucherabteil (ohne Seitengang), mittig ein Gepäckabteil und ein weiteres für den Zugbegleiter/Zugführer (Guard)
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 39
Compact three-axle compartment car without side aisle for 1st class. Two compartments "smoking" at the ends of the car, the remaining two without designation.
Caption (German)
Kompakter Dreiachs-Abteilwagen ohne Seitengang für die 1. Klasse. Zwei Abteile "smoking" an den Wagenenden, die beiden übrigen ohne Bezeichnung
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 15
Three-axle compartment car without side aisle
Caption (German)
Dreiachs-Abteilwagen ohne Seitengang
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 46
Four-axle multi-purpose car with two 3rd class compartments without side aisle at each end of the car and a luggage compartment and a compartment for the conductor/train driver in the center
Caption (German)
Vierachsiger Mehrzweckwagen mit je zwei 3.-Klassabteilen ohne Seitengang an den Wagenenden und einem Gepäckraum und einem Abteil für den Zugbegleiter/Zugführer in der Mitte
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 82
Elegant looking four-axle multi-purpose car of the 3rd class
Caption (German)
Vornehm wirkender Vierachs-Mehrzweckwagen der 3. Klasse
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 78
First class four axle compartment car without side aisle
Caption (German)
Erstklass-Vierachs-Abteilwagen ohne Seitengang
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Title (German)
Plaistow Works, London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (LT&SR) 1
Built in 1911, special passenger car for transporting corpses. Around 1900, all major British railway companies had such vehicles
Caption (German)
"Bullion Van" zum Transport von Goldbarren. Es gab zwei Stück davon die beide 1911 in den bahneigenen Werkstätten der LT&SR in Plaistow gebaut wurden (Quelle: An illustrated History of Midland Wagons, von Robert John Essery, Oxford Publishing Co., 1980)
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Title (German)
Midland Railway (MR), Salonwagen
Year of construction: 1912, manufactured in: London Plaistow, four-axle wagon
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1912, hergestellt in: London Plaistow, Vierachswagen
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Title (German)
Midland Railway (MR), Salonwagen
Luxuriously equipped four-axle inspection vehicle
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1912, hergestellt in: London Plaistow, Vierachswagen
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Title (German)
Midland Railway (MR) "Invalid Saloon"
Three-axle passenger car
Caption (German)
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Title (German)
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway "Milk Van"
Caption (German)
Einer von zwei 1908 bei Cravens Railway Carriage and Wagon Company für die London, Tilbury and Southend Railway gebauter "Milk Vans" für den Milchtransport. (Quelle: An illustrated History of Midland Wagons, von Robert John Essery, Oxford Publishing Co., 1980)
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Title (German)
London Tilbury & Southend Railway (TL&SR) cattle van
Semi-open two-axle freight car for transportation of live animals
Caption (German)
Halboffener Zweiachs-Güterwagen für den Transport von lebenden Tieren
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Title (German)
London& North Eastern Railway (LNER), mobile canteen for engineer's staff, Newcastle
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Title (German)
LMS-Werkstätte in Derby, London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) 1831, Paxman-Diesellokomotive
The locomotive was built in 1930 on the vehicle frame of a steam locomotive. Powered by a six-cylinder engine with an output of 412 hp. Considered to be the first standard gauge diesel locomotive of a major railroad in Great Britain. Diesel hydraulic power transmission
Caption (German)
Die Lokomotive wurde 1930 auf dem Fahrzeugrahmen einer Dampflokomotive aufgebaut. Antrieb durch einen Sechszylinder-Motor mit einer Leistung von 412 PS. Gilt als erste normalspurige Diesellokomotive einer grossen Bahn in Grossbritannien. Dieselhydraulische Kraftübertragung
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Title (German)
Eisenbahn Salonwagen, Grossbritannien [?]
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Title (German)
Inspektionswagen Murray 2 der südaustralischen Eisenbahnen
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London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS), Royal Train, new saloons to the lounge in H.M. the King's saloon
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London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS), First class, Zugabteil
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First class, Zugabteil, L.M.S. (London Midland and Scottish Railway)
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Great Eastern Railway (GER), open saloon car, 1st class/2nd class
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Title (German)
Great Eastern Railway (GER), open saloon car, 1st class
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Title (German)
Great Western Railway (GWR), Second class dining car
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Title (German)
Wagenklasse, Interior, Eisenbahn Grossbritannien
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Title (German)
London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS), Wagenklasse, Interior
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Title (German)
New (60ft. x 9ft. 7ins) saloon, main saloon
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1367
Year of manufacture: 1867, factory locomotive
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1867, Werklokomotive
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Title (German)
Erstklass-Clubwagen, Interior, Eisenbahn Grossbritannien
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Title (German)
Wagenklasse, Interior, Eisenbahn Grossbritannien
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Title (German)
Wagenklasse, Interior, Eisenbahn Grossbritannien
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Title (German)
A neatly designed lighting saloone, Murray car showing the Holophane Rifflellite units
Ultraluxury inspection and representation car (single copy, museum still available) of the South Australian Railway
Caption (German)
Ultraluxuriöser Inspektions- und Repräsentationswagen (Einzelexemplar, museal noch vorhanden) der South Australian Railway
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Title (German)
London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS), Compo sleeping car 713 3rd class Compo
LIege car, sleeper car
Caption (German)
LIegewagen, Schlafwagen
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Title (German)
Berth compartment for valet in H.M. the King's saloon
Caption (German)
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Royal Scott, Lavatory compartment
Caption (German)
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Lavatory compartment of new GWR 3rd class coach
Caption (German)
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Title (German)
"Avoca" Dining Car : this car has a seating capacity for 48 passengers : interior view of the air conditioned Avoca Dining Car
One of the two Victorian Railways (Australia) dining cars "Avoca" and "Hopkins", in service 1927
Caption (German)
Einer der beiden Speisewagen der Victorian Railways (Australien) "Avoca" und "Hopkins", in Dienstnahme 1927
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Title (German)
Great Eastern Railway, Speisewagen für den North Country Continental service
Year of manufacture 1891
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891
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Title (German)
Great Eastern Railway, Speisewagen für den North Country Continental service
Year of manufacture 1891
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891
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Title (German)
North Eastern Railway (NER) 1840 "Brake Van"
Brake car according to drawing 18 with bogies, luggage compartment and three third-class compartments, lantern roof. Year of construction 1895, length 52 feet
Caption (German)
Bremswagen nach Zeichnung 18 mit Drehgestellen, Gepäckabteil und drei Abteilen dritter Klasse, Laternendach. Baujahr 1895, Länge 52 Fuss
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Title (German)
Motive Power Tool Van inverness No. 284651
Interior view of the Inverness-based auxiliary vehicle no. 284651, which was used for on-site repairs in the event of accidents and broken-down vehicles; in the foreground: gas cylinders and hoses from an oxy-fuel welding system, on the right: wrench
Caption (German)
Innenansicht des in Inverness stationierten Hilfswagens Nr. 284651, der bei Unfällen und liegengebliebenen Fahrzeugen für Reparaturen vor Ort eingesetzt wurde; im Vordergrund: Gasflaschen und Schläuche einer Autogenschweissanlage, rechts: Schraubenschlüssel
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Title (German)
Hilfswagen, Innenansicht
Interior view of an auxiliary wagon, which was used for on-site repairs in the event of accidents and broken-down vehicles; a steam locomotive turbo generator can be seen on the workbench
Caption (German)
Innenansicht eines Hilfswagens, der bei Unfällen und liegengebliebenen Fahrzeugen für Reparaturen vor Ort eingesetzt wurde; auf der Werkbank ist ein Turbogenerator einer Dampflokomotive zu sehen
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Title (German)
Glasgow-Springburn, St. Rollox Railway Works
The St. Rollox Works were founded around 1850 as the central workshop of the Caledonian Railway. The works grew in size and became the maintenance center for the L.M.S. (London Midland and Scottish Railway) from 1923. British Railways took over the plant in 1948 and continued to operate it on a full scale. From about 1980 at the latest, the importance of the center decreased significantly, and today it is hardly recognizable, although in a smaller part maintenance work for railroad vehicles is still done, otherwise it has become a privatized commercial complex with supermarkets, parking lots, etc., and the plaything of major investors with some affinity to railroads, such as Alstom or Knorr Bremse.
Caption (German)
Die St. Rollox Works wurden um 1850 als zentrale Werkstatt der Caledonian Railway gegründet. Das Werk nahm immer grössere Formen an und wurde ab 1923 zum Unterhaltszentrum der L.M.S. (London Midland and Scottish Railway). British Railways übernahmen das Werk 1948 und betrieben es in vollem Massstab weiter. Ab spätestens etwa 1980 nahm die Bedeutung des Zentrums deutlich ab, heute ist es kaum wiederzuerkennen, obschon in einem kleineren Teil noch Instandstellungsarbeiten für Eisenbahnfahrzeuge gemacht werden, sonst ist es ein privatisierter Gewerbekomplex mit Supermärkten, Parkplätzen usw. geworden, und Spielball von einigermassen bahnaffinen Grossinvestoren wie etwa Alstom oder Knorr Bremse
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Title (German)
View looking south from the completed clock tower of Sydney Central Station N.S.W.
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Chippenham, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Works.
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Title (German)
Switch yard, Railway Great Britain
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Title (German)
Bombay, Parel Station, Great Indian Peninsular Railway (GIPR), Abfahrt von Prinz Alfred (1844-1900), Duke of Edinburgh
Accompanied by Sir Seymour Fitzgerald, Governor of Bombay/Mumbai. In the background: Bombay and Baroda Line workshops.
Caption (German)
In Begleitung von Sir Seymour Fitzgerald, Gouverneur von Bombay/Mumbai. Im Hintergrund: Werkstätten der Bombay and Baroda Line
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Title (German)
London, Epsom Downs Station, Brighton and South Coast Railway (LB&SCR)
Left: Royal Train with locomotive № 600 (I1 class)
Caption (German)
Links: Royal Train mit Lokomotive № 600 (I1 class)
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Title (German)
Plaistow, Hauptdepot der London Tilbury & Southend Railway (LT&SR)
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Title (German)
Plaistow, Hauptdepot der London Tilbury & Southend Railway (LT&SR)
The conspicuous structure may have served the mechanized coaling of the locomotives
Caption (German)
Die auffällige Struktur dürfte der mechanisierten Bekohlung der Lokomotiven gedient haben
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS), London, Tilbury & Southend Railway (LT&SR) Fenchurch 47 und Upminster 80
built 1897-1898, 12 units, class 37, 4-4-2T axle arrangement, used in regular service until 1951/52
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1897-1898, 12 Exemplare, class 37, Achsfolge 4-4-2T, bis 1951/52 in den angestammten Verkehren
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Title (German)
Steam locomotives, Upminster No. 81, Pitsea No. 59, Frenchurch No. 77, Frenchurch No. 21, Gravesend No. 79, LT&SR London, Tilbury and Southend Railway
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Title (German)
Middleton Incline der Cromford and High Peak Railway (C&HPR) in Derbyshire
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Title (German)
Lewes (Substation and trial trains)
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Title (German)
Hawthorns and Company of Leith, Inverness and Nairn Railway (I&NR) 12 "Belladrum" auf der Drehscheibe in Inverness
Year of manufacture 1862
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1862
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Title (German)
London, Crystal Palace, Brighton and South Coast Railway (LB&SCR)
Caption (German)
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Title (German)
Eisenbahnen, Grossbritannien
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Manchester, Güterbahnhof der Alexandra Park Station
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Great Central, 4-6-2T mit Triebrädern von 5 Fuss und 7 Zoll, Entwurf von J. G. Robinson
built 1911-1923, 31 engines, in service until 1961, at the LNER under the designation A5/1
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1911-1923, 31 Maschinen, bis 1961 im Dienst, bei der LNER unter Bezeichnung A5/1
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Title (German)
Benton Quarry
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Title (German)
Neville Street and Railway Station, Newcastle
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L973, L978, L4, Nigerian Railways locos in ships hold
Shipment of steam locomotives to Nigeria, view into a hold of a cargo ship
Caption (German)
Verschiffung von Dampflokomotiven nach Nigeria, Blick in einen Laderaum eines Frachtschiffes
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Title (German)
Shildon Station, Stockton and Darlington Railway (S&DR)
Shildon was the western terminus of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, which was the first in the world to use steam locomotives for freight trains (coal) from September 1825, with horses still operating in front of passenger trains until 1833. In 1863, the S&DR was merged into the NER (North Eastern Railway), which was merged into the LNER in 1923.
Caption (German)
Shildon war die westliche Endstation der Stockton & Darlington Railway, die als weltweit erste ab September 1825 für Güterzüge (Kohle) Dampflokomotiven einsetzte, vor Personenzügen wirkten bis 1833 noch Pferde. Die S&DR ging 1863 in der NER (North Eastern Railway) auf, 1923 in die LNER fusioniert wurde
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Title (German)
Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway, Satteltank-Tendermaschine
Opened as the first steam-powered railroad in Cornwall on July 1, 1834, for the time being still far from any other rail connection. Largely only freight traffic, but with the visible wagon stock, of which three wagons (as in the picture) are exhibited in the National Railway Museum in York, also passenger traffic on a shorter route. The locomotive is a small saddle tank tender engine with axle pattern 0-4-0. The actually unusual tender is lined up at the "wrong" end. The financially troubled railroad was taken over by the L&SWR around 1847
Caption (German)
Als erste mit Dampf betriebene Bahn in Cornwall am 1. Juli 1834 eröffnet, dies einstweilen noch weit ab von jeglicher weiteren Schienenverbindung. Weitgehend nur Güterverkehr, aber mit dem sichtbaren Wagenmaterial, von dem drei Wagen (wie im Bild) im National Railway Museum in York ausgestellt sind, auf einer kürzeren Strecke auch Personenverkehr. Die Lokomotive ist eine kleine Satteltank-Tendermaschine mit Achsbild 0-4-0. Der eigentlich unübliche Tender ist am "falschen" Ende eingereiht. Die finanziell angeschlagene Bahn wurde um 1847 von der L&SWR übernommen
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Title (German)
Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd., Manchester, Metropolitan Railway 34
Year of manufacture 1880, Beyer Peacock
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1880, Beyer Peacock
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Kirkby Stephen East railway station, general view, South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway
Opened in 1861, closed in 1962, workshop with turntable
Caption (German)
1861 eröffnet, 1962 geschlossen, Werkstätte mit Drehscheibe
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Title (German)
Kitson and Company 1213, Waterford & Limerick Railway (W&LR) 28
Year of construction 1864, single piece, single locomotive for the Irish broad gauge of 1600 mm, pickup in Limerick
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1864, Einzelstück, Single-Lokomotive für die Irische Breitspur von 1600 mm Spurweite, Aufnahme in Limerick
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Metropolitan Railways, an der Verney Junction nach Baker Street
Years of construction 1894-1895, C class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1894-1895, C class
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Title (German)
New nameboards for "The Royal Scot" main departure platforms notice board at Euston
The naming of high-class connections had a long tradition in GB. The "Royal Scot" from London Euston to Glasgow was one of the very famous trains. The name for the train connection is not to be confused with the locomotive class "Royal Scots" - but it was precisely these machines that actually ran the "Royal Scot" from 1927 until the appearance of even more powerful locomotive types, especially the Coronation Class.
Caption (German)
Die Namensgebung für hochklassige Verbindungen hatte in GB eine lange Tradition. Der "Royal Scot" von London Euston nach Glasgow war einer der ganz bekannten Züge. Der Name für die Zugsverbindung ist nicht zu verwechseln mit der Lokomotivklasse "Royal Scots" – aber gerade diese Maschinen haben den "Royal Scot" ab 1927 bis zum Erscheinen noch leistungsfähigerer Lokomotivtypen, insb. der Coronation-Class tatsächlich auch geführt
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Title (German)
Bahnhof West Bridge Station der Leicester and Swannington Railway
Closure and demolition 1893
Caption (German)
Schliessung und Abriss 1893
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Title (German)
Southern-Belle 764, Steam locomotive, Pullman, Typ N-15, "King Arthur", Knockholt station
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Doncaster Railway Works, Great Northern Railway (GNR) 221
Years of construction 1870-1894, design by Patrick Stirling, axle sequence 4-2-2
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1870-1894, Design von Patrick Stirling, Achsfolge 4-2-2
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Title (German)
Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd., Manchester, Belfast and Northern Counties Railway (BNCR) 33
Years of construction 1890-1895, 7 copies, class C, decommissioned between 1926 and 1942
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1890-1895, 7 Exemplare, Klasse C, Stilllegung zwischen 1926 und 1942
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Title (German)
London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), A3
Sir Nigel Gresley's class "A3" hot steam triple express locomotive, axle pattern "Pacific", built in 77 units starting in 1922. It was intended for the heaviest and fastest trains on the east coast between London, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. It was later supplemented by more advanced but basically similar machines, and some were displaced into somewhat lighter service. Virtually all A3 locomotives remained active until around 1962, although only rarely in the London area. After that, however, the phaseouts progressed rapidly. One "Flying Scotsman" locomotive has been preserved in working order.
Caption (German)
Heissdampf-Drillings-Schnellzugslok Baureihe "A3" von Sir Nigel Gresley, Achsbild "Pacific", erbaut in 77 Exemplaren ab 1922. Sie war für die schwersten und schnellsten Züge an der Ostküste zwischen London, Edinburgh und Aberdeen bestimmt. Sie wurde später durch weiterentwickelte, aber grundsätzlich ähnliche Maschinen ergänzt und teilweise in etwas leichtere Dienste verdrängt. Praktisch alle A3-Loks blieben bis um 1962 aktiv, allerdings nurmehr selten im Raum London. Danach schritten die Ausmusterungen allerdings rasch voran. Eine Maschine "Flying Scotsman" ist betriebsfähig erhalten
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Bartlow Hills an der Strecke der Great Eastern Railway (GER)
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Leicester and Swannington Railway
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Warenbeförderungsanlage Luftseil in Bex[?]
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London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), D17, 4-4-0 Schnellzugsmaschine, Design Wilson Worsdell
Built 1896-1897, 30 locomotives, in service until 1948
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1896-1897, 30 Lokomotiven, bis 1948 im Dienst
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Montagefertiges Formsignal mit Mast und Fundament
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Leicester and Swannington Railway
Opened 1833
Caption (German)
Opened 1833
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Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd, Barrow, Dalhousie Steam and Motorship Co., SS "Peter Dal"
Built 1945 as Empire Admiral by Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd, Barrow in Furness, operated 1947-1950 by Dalhousie Steam and Motorship Co, London, later renamed Benledi
Caption (German)
Erbaut 1945 als Empire Admiral von Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd, Barrow in Furness, betrieben 1947-1950 von Dalhousie Steam and Motorship Co, London, später umgetauft auf Benledi
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), Victorian Railways (VR) Klasse R im Bau
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North British Locomotive Company Glasgow, Eisenbahn Werkhalle
Finishing of some engines for South African Railways (SAR) Class 19D, 2'D1' h2, 1067mm; in the foreground at lower left: South African Railways (SAR) 3348; 1, factory no. 26068
Caption (German)
Endfertigung einiger Maschinen für die South African Railways (SAR) Class 19D, 2’D1’ h2, 1067mm; im Vordergrund links unten: South African Railways (SAR) 3348; 1, Fabriknr. 26068
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L899, South African Railways (SAR) 2551
Year of construction 1936, experimental 2-10-4 hot steam twin freight locomotive, UIC 1'E2' h2, for cape gauge (1067 mm), class 21, decommissioned 1952
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1936, experimentelle 2-10-4 Heissdampf-Zwillings-Güterzugslokomotive, UIC 1’E2‘ h2, für Kapspur (1067 mm), class 21, Ausmusterung 1952
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), Nigerian Railways, River class in erecting shop
Built after 1947, 20 examples from the manufacturer Vulcan Foundry, tender locomotives, hot steam twin engine, wheel arrangement 2-8-2 (Whyte)
Caption (German)
Baujahr nach 1947, 20 Exemplare vom Hersteller Vulcan Foundry, Schlepptenderlokomotiven, Heissdampf-Zwillingstriebwerk, Achsfolge 2-8-2 (Whyte)
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L923, erecting shop with locos for New Zealand
40 examples, J class, medium-duty 4-8-2, slightly streamlined machines for cape gauge, under steam until 1967-1971, then demolished. Three machines are preserved, partially operable
Caption (German)
40 Exemplare, J class, mittelschwere 4-8-2, leicht stromlinienförmig verkleidete Maschinen für Kapspur, bis 1967-1971 unter Dampf, danach Abbruch. Drei Maschinen sind erhalten, teilweise betriebsfähig
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View of the interior of the new diesel locomotive erection shed built by W. G. Bagnall Ltd. at their Castle Engine Works, Stafford. This view shows the overhead cranes and locomotive inspection
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View of the interior of the new diesel locomotive erection shed built by W. G. Bagnall Ltd. at their Castle Engine Works, Stafford. This view shows the overhead cranes and locomotive inspection pit
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North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), London & North Eastern Railway (LNER), K2 class
75 examples, built 1908-1918 to Nigel Gresley design, hot steam twin engine, wheel arrangement 2-6-0, in service until around 1955
Caption (German)
75 Exemplare, erbaut 1908-1918 nach Entwurf Nigel Gresley, Heissdampf-Zwillingstriebwerk, Achsfolge 2-6-0, bis um 1955 im Dienst
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Train of Fordson tractors at Ford works Dagenham
Lodnon, Ford works, London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) freight train, open wagons loaded with Fordson agricultural tractors (steel rather than pneur wheels).
Caption (German)
Lodnon, Ford-Werk, Güterzug der London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS), offene Wagen beladen mit Landwirtschaftstraktoren (Stahl- und nicht Pneuräder) der Marke Fordson
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Title (German)
Glasgow-Springburn, Montagehalle der Hydepark Works der North British Locomotive Company
The majority of the recognizable steam locomotives are R-class broad gauge locomotives for the Australian Victorian Railways (VR). They were built for a gauge of 1600 mm and had the wheel arrangement 4-6-4 called "Hudson". 70 locomotives with the works numbers NBL 26990 to 27059 were built in the years 1951 to 1952, which were given the service numbers R700 to R769 on the railroad
Caption (German)
Die Mehrzahl der erkennbaren Dampflokomotiven sind Breitspurlokomotiven der R-Klasse für die australische Victorian Railways (VR). Sie waren für eine Spurweite von 1600 mm gebaut und hatten die "Hudson" genannte Achsfolge 4-6-4. In den Jahren 1951 bis 1952 wurden 70 Lokomotiven mit den Werksnummern NBL 26990 bis 27059 gebaut, die bei der Bahn die Betriebsnummern R700 bis R769 erhielten
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Title (German)
Lokomotiv-Tender-Bestandteile auf dem Vorschiff eines Hochseefrachters
On the left, still on the quay, a boiler probably belonging to it. Although the locomotive type is not recognized, it is probably a post-war delivery (also from the ship's outline).
Caption (German)
Links, noch auf dem Quai ein wohl dazu gehörender Kessel. Obschon der Loktyp nicht erkannt ist, dürfte es sich (auch von den Schiffsumrissen her) um eine Nachkriegslieferung handeln
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Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd., Manchester, Ilford carriage shed, repair shop looking east
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North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), Nigerian Railways, river class
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Richtgestell für frisch genieteten Dampflokomotiv-Stehkessel
Dulling gantry
Caption (German)
Dulling gantry
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A corner of the same Netherlands State Railway shops at Haarlem as left behind by the Germans
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Title (German)
Middleton Incline, stationery winting engine
Partial view of the winch mechanism for the Middleton Incline: a type of steam-powered cable railroad for transporting freight wagons in the course of an extremely steep route for coal mining in Derbyshire, out of service around 1930
Caption (German)
Teilansicht des Windenmechanismus für die Middleton Incline: eine Art dampfbetriebene Drahtseilbahn für die Beförderung von Güterwagen im Zuge einer äusserst steigungsreichen Strecke für den Kohlenabbau in Derbyshire, um 1930 ausser Betrieb
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Title (German)
Swannington incline engine house interior [?]
Incline is a steep, inclined railroad line, where by means of cable hoist, the normal railroad or light railroad vehicles are transported over the ramp. Machine drive by means of steam engines in the top station. Swannington Incline belonged to a coal mine
Caption (German)
Incline ist eine steile, schräge Bahnstrecke, wo mittels Kabelzug, die normalen Bahn- oder Feldbahnfahrzeuge über die Rampe befördert werden. Maschineller Antrieb mittels Dampfmaschinen in der Bergstation. Swannington Incline gehörte zu einer Kohlenzeche
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Title (German)
Swannington incline engine house interior
The railroad served coal traffic from Swannington (initially horse traction) and featured a very steep section that was operated as a ropeway: Drive engine for the winch, a single cylinder unit made by Horsley Coal & Iron Company in 1833.
Caption (German)
Die Bahn diente dem Kohleverkehr ab Swannington (anfänglich Pferdetraktion) und wies einen sehr steilen Abschnitt auf, der als Seilbahn betrieben wurde: Antriebsmaschine für die Seilwinde, eine Einzylinder-Anlage von Horsley Coal & Iron Company aus 1833
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Title (German)
Railway Museum York, Vertical Beam Engine built about 1810, use at Kings cross engine shed 1844 to 1930
Single-cylinder service engine with overhead balancer. This engine was used in the Kings Cross depot (London) to drive various devices via a transmission system (belt). The pipe ending on the left with a ball "in the air" was originally the steam supply from the boiler
Caption (German)
Einzylinder-Betriebsmaschine mit oben liegendem Balancier. Diese Maschine diente im Depot Kings Cross (London) dem Antrieb von verschiedenen Geräten über eine Transmissionsanlage (Riemen). Das links mit einer Kugel "in der Luft" endende Rohr war ursprünglich die Dampfzufuhr vom Kessel her
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Title (German)
Railway Museum York, beam engine from Ducie Street station
Steam engine, purpose not recognizable, on the right the pressure cylinder, the lever (English: Beam) is moved via the piston, this drives the large flywheel on the left, the centrifugal governor (with the two balls) regulates the speed, if the machine runs too fast the balls lift and throttle the steam supply in the underground, whereupon the machine slows down and vice versa
Caption (German)
Dampfmaschine, Zweck nicht erkennbar, rechts der Druckzylinder, über den Kolben wird der Hebel (englisch: Beam) bewegt, dieser treibt links das grosse Schwungrad an, der Fliehkraftregler (mit den zwei Kugeln) regelt die Drehzahl, läuft die Maschine zu schnell heben sich die Kugeln und drosseln im Untergrund die Dampfzufuhr, worauf die Maschine langsamer wird und umgekehrt
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Title (German)
Middleton Incline, view showing valve and cylinder of stationary winding engine
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Steam Engine Carriage von William Murdoch, 1781
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Modell einer Blenkinsop Lokomotive
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Title (German)
Todd, Kitson and Laird Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L&MR) 57 "Lion"
Built in 1938, 2 units, tender locomotive, 0-4-2 wheel arrangement, used as a stationary pump. Locomotive preserved
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1938, 2 Exemplare, Schlepptenderlokomotive, Achsfolge 0-4-2, verwendet als stationäre Pumpe. Lokomotive erhalten
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Title (German)
Four Feet six inches, wheel base, o-class
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Title (German)
Four Feet six inches, wheel base, o-class
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Title (German)
London, Vauxhall Ironworks, dreizylindrige Maschine für ein kleineres Schraubendampfschiff
Year of manufacture: 1898
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1898
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Title (German)
Boxpok-Rad aus Stahlguss einer Dampflokomotive
These wheels, which are easier to manufacture than spoked wheels, were developed in the USA and were primarily used there. In Europe, these wheels were only seen on the SNCF 141-R locomotives imported from the USA and Canada - and on a few DR class 01/5 express locomotives in the GDR.
Caption (German)
Diese fabrikationstechnisch leichter als Speichenräder herzustellenden Räder sind in den USA entwickelt worden und fanden primär auch dort Verwendung. In Europa waren diese Räder nur an den aus den USA und Kanada importierten Loks 141-R der SNCF zu sehen – und an ein einige Schnellzugs-Loks der Baureihe 01/5 der DR in der DDR
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Title (German)
Whitemoor marshalling yard, radio control. Signalman microphone and apparatuses in control cabin
Whitemoor marshalling yard
Caption (German)
Whitemoor marshalling yard
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Title (German)
Whitemoor marshalling yard, radio control. Mr. Pilgrim yard masters on phone at shunters cabin
Whitemoor marshalling yard
Caption (German)
Whitemoor marshalling yard
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Title (German)
Relief Station master Evan H. Evans at Llanfair Station with some of the bundles of platform tickets he sends away every day
Llanfair (in Wales) is officially called: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogoch. The longest station name in the world. You could have your platform ticket "officially" sent home there. The deputy stationmaster is in charge of it
Caption (German)
Llanfair (in Wales) heisst amtlich: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Der längste Stationsname der Welt. Man konnte sich dort die Bahnsteigkarte "amtlich" nach Hause senden lassen. Der stellvertretende Bahnhofvorstand ist damit befasst
Record Name
Title (German)
Dampflokomotive, Grossbritannien
Year of manufacture 1840, axle sequence 2-2-2
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1840, Achsfolge 2-2-2
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Title (German)
Early locomotive engines of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company 1830 to 1834
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The Vulcan Foundry Limited Newton-le-Willows, early locomotive engines 1834 to 1854
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Title (German)
Early locomotive engines built by Edward Bury & Co., afterwards, Bury, Curtis & Kennedy Clearance Foundry Liverpool, 1830 to 1849
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Title (German)
Early locomotive engines of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company 1826 to 1862
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Title (German)
Early locomotive engines built by R. Stephenson and Co. Newcastle-on-Tyne 1825
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Title (German)
Swindon Railway Works, Great Western Railway (GWR)
Year of construction 1923, 164 units, design: C. B. Collett, hot steam four-unit engines, wheel arrangement 4-6-0, Castle Class, discarded as of 1960
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1923, 164 Exemplare, Design: C. B. Collett, Heissdampf-Vierlingsmaschinen, Achsfolge 4-6-0, Castle Class, Ausrangierungen ab 1960
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Title (German)
Side elevator of Blenkinsop's locomotive, 1812
Museum drawing
Caption (German)
Museum drawing
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Title (German)
Engraving of Galloway's "Manchester" for L. M. R., 1832, Manchester Loco-Motive Engine
Built 1831 by Galloway, Bowman & Glasgow Co., 2-2-0 locomotive
Caption (German)
Erbaut 1831 von Galloway, Bowman & Glasgow Co., 2-2-0 Lokomotive
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Title (German)
Neilson Reid & Co E822, 5566, William Baird & Co. Ltd, Eglinton Iron Works No. 6
built 1899, 0-4-0ST wet steam twin locomotive for shunting or works operation, UIC: B 2n, outside drive and inside control, such saddle tank tender locomotives were typical in GB for works internal tasks
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1899, 0-4-0ST Nassdampf-Zwillingslokomotive für Rangier- oder Werksbetrieb, UIC: B 2n, Aussenanatrieb und Innensteuerung, solche Satteltank-Tenderloks waren in GB typisch für betriebsinterne Aufgaben
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 823, Brauerei Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton 10
Year of construction 1898, works locomotive for the Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton (Burton-on-Trent) brewery, wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1898, Werklokomotive für die Brauerei Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton (Burton-on-Trent), Achsfolge 0-4-0ST
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 812, Caledonian Railway (CR) 844 "Jumbo"
Years of construction 1889-1909, design by John F. McIntosh, 652 Class, wheel arrangement 0-6-0, gauge 4'-8 1/2
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1889-1909, Konstruktion durch John F. McIntosh, 652 Class, Achsfolge 0-6-0, Spurweite 4'-8 1/2
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E831 5653, New Cape Central Railway (NCCR) 7th class No. 1
built 1899, 7 units in four lots, for freight service, class 7, type 4-8-0, wet steam two-cylinder with external drive and internal control, cap gauge 3ft 6in = 1067 mm, from 1925 SAR class 7E, discarded 1965-1972
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1899, 7 Exemplare in vier Losen, für Güterverkehr, Klasse 7, Bauart 4-8-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Kapspur 3ft 6in = 1067 mm, ab 1925 SAR Klasse 7E, ausrangiert 1965-1972
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Title (German)
Neilson, Reid and Company Glasgow 841a, 5727, Imperial Government Railway 644
Years of construction 1897-1902, 74 units, Neilson (Reid) and Dübs, type 4-4-0, cap gauge (1067mm), wet steam two-cylinder with internal Stephenson control, for passenger trains on the Tokaido line, class D9, from 1909 6200 for Neilson (Reid) and 6270 for Dübs
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1897-1902, 74 Exemplare, Neilson (Reid) und Dübs, Bauart 4-4-0, Kapspur (1067mm), Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit innenliegender Stephenson-Steuerung, für Reisezüge auf der Tokaido-Linie, Klasse D9, ab 1909 6200 für Neilson (Reid) und 6270 für Dübs
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 890a, Cape Covernment Railways
Years of construction 1901-1902, 23 units, class 8, axle sequence 4-8-0
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1901-1902, 23 Exemplare, Klasse 8, Achsfolge 4-8-0
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E774, Manx Northern Railway (MNR) 2
Year of construction 1879, 3 feet narrow gauge railroad on the Isle of Man
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1879, 3 Fuss-Schmalspurbahn auf der Isle of Man
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Manchester (SS) E862 3341, Ferrocarril Carinena-Zaragoza 3 "Monserrat"
Built 1886-1887, 5 Ct tender locomotives (British designation 0-6-0T, Spanish designation 030T), 1933 closure of the narrow gauge line
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1886-1887, 5 Ct Tenderlokomotiven (britische Bezeichnung 0-6-0T, spanische Bezeichnung 030T), 1933 Stilllegung der Schmalspurbahn
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Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart & Co, Glasgow (SS) E878, 3349, Companhia Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro, no. 17 (Meterspur)
Years of construction 1885-1886, at least 9 examples in 3 lots, wet steam two-cylinder locomotive of American design for passenger trains, wheel arrangement 4-4-0, meter gauge. At least 3 locomotives were later converted to tender locomotives and ran on the international railroad Brazil - Bolivia
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1885-1886, mindestens 9 Exemplare in 3 Losen, Nassdampf-Zwei-Zylinderlok amerikanischer Bauart für Personenzüge, Achsfolge 4-4-0, Meterspur. Mindestens 3 Loks wurden später zu Tenderloks umgebaut und verkehrten auf der internationalen Bahn Brasilien - Bolivien
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E1008, 3878
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E 938, 3488, Ferrocarril Central Norte (F.C.C.N.) 25, "Albigasta"
Year of construction: 1889, meter gauge network, 2'B n2; 1000, discarded 1930-1933
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1889, Meterspurnetz, 2’B n2; 1000, Ausrangierung 1930-1933
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart & Co., Atlas Works, Glasgow, E.939, Ferrocarril Central Norte Cosquin
Year of construction 1888 or 1889, wheel arrangement 2-8-0, meter gauge, wet steam two-cylinder compound locomotive for freight trains (so-called cross-compound), class C2
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1888 oder 1889, Achsfolge 2-8-0, Meterspur, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbundlok für Güterzüge (sogenannte Cross-Compound), Klasse C2
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 4649, Kalka - Simla Railway 1.B
Year of construction 1900, 2 units, narrow gauge saddle tank locomotive, type 0-4-0ST, wet steam two-cylinder with outer frame and outer cylinders, identical to class B of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (15 units). Built for 2 ft / 610 mm; converted to 2' 6'' / 762 mm on or shortly after arrival in India; converted back to 610 mm in 1908, used on the Dandot Light Railway.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1900, 2 Exemplare, Schmalspur-Satteltanklok, Bauart 0-4-0ST, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenrahmen und Aussenzylindern, Identisch mit Klasse B der Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (15 Exemplare). Gebaut für 2 ft / 610 mm; bei oder kurz nach Ankunft in Indien umgespurt auf 2' 6'' / 762 mm; 1908 wieder zurückgebaut auf 610mm, Einsatz auf Dandot Light Railway.
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS), Ferrocarril del Cadagua 1 "Valmaseda"
Year of construction 1890, tank locomotive wheel arrangement 220T (Spanish) or 4-4-0T (British)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1890, Tenderlokomotive Achsfolge 220T (spanisch) bzw 4-4-0T (britisch)
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E1008, no 3878
Company sign "Sao Paulo Railway"
Caption (German)
Firmenschild "Sao Paulo Railway"
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 3900, Lautaro Nitrate Co. 5
Year of construction 1893, 0-6-2T, gauge 1067mm
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1893, 0-6-2T, Spurweite 1067mm
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E1037, Sao Paulo Railway, gauge 3'-6'' engine
Tank locomotive for freight trains and shunting service, type 0-6-0T (UIC C n2t) wet steam two-cylinder with external cylinders and internal control, gauge: 3 ft 6 inch = 1067mm, Cape gauge
Caption (German)
Tenderlok für Güterzüge und Rangierdienst, Bauart 0-6-0T (UIC C n2t) Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Spurweite: 3 ft 6 inch = 1067mm, Kapspur
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 4151, Cape Government Railway 994
Babu year 1896, class 7A, gauge 1067mm (Cape gauge), wheel arrangement (Whyte) 4-8-0
Caption (German)
Babujahr 1896, Klasse 7A, Spurweite 1067mm (Kapspur), Achsfolge (Whyte) 4-8-0
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1080, gauge 5'-3'' engine
Company sign "Sao Paulo Railway"
Caption (German)
Firmenschild "Sao Paulo Railway"
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1114, gauge 3'-6'' engine
Company sign "Sao Paulo Railway"
Caption (German)
Firmenschild "Sao Paulo Railway"
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS), Cape Government Railway 99
Year of construction 1896, wheel arrangement 4-6-0, class 6, gauge from 3'-6'' (1067 mm, cap gauge)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1896, Achsfolge 4-6-0, Klasse 6, Spurweite von 3’-6’’ (1067 mm, Kapspur)
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart & Co., Atlas Works, Glasgow (SS), E1132, New Zealand (Government) Railways (NZR) B class
Years of construction 1899-1903, 10 examples (including 6 by NZR Addington and 4 by SS), 4-8-0 wet steam two-cylinder locomotive for freight trains on the South Island, Class B (2nd occupation), Cape gauge (3 ft 6 in, 1067mm), Retired 1960-1967
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1899-1903, 10 Exemplare (davon 6 von NZR Addington und 4 von SS), 4-8-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinderlok für Güterzüge auf der Südinsel, Klasse B (2. Besetzung), Kapspur (3 ft 6 in, 1067mm), Ausrangiert 1960-1967
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1139, gauge 5'-3'' engine
Company sign "Sao Paulo Railway"
Caption (German)
Firmenschild "Sao Paulo Railway"
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E1159, Südafrika, Oranje-Vrijstaat Gouwerment-Spoorwegen (OVGS)
Year of construction 1898, 6 units, design: H. M. Beatty, Cape Government Railways, class 6 L3, cape gauge 1067mm, type 4-6-0 with outside cylinders and inside control, from 1912 South African Rlys (SAR) class 6E
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1898, 6 Exemplare, Design: H. M. Beatty, Cape Government Railways, Klasse 6 L3, Kapspur 1067mm, Bauart 4-6-0 mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, ab 1912 South African Rlys (SAR) Klasse 6E
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1172, gauge 5'-6'' engine
2-6-0 General-purpose locomotive (UIC: 1'C n2) for broad gauge
Caption (German)
2-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive (UIC: 1'C n2) für Breitspur
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart & Co, Atlas Works, Glasgow, E1173, New Zealand (Government) Railways (NZR), UC class
built 1901, 10 units (NZR 361-370, SS 4745-4754), 4-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder locomotive for passenger trains on the South Island, cape gauge (1067 mm), 7 units were equipped c 1920-1935 with superheaters, the 3 unconverted units were discarded 1934-1936, the hot steam locomotives 1955-1959
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1901, 10 Exemplare (NZR 361-370, SS 4745-4754), 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinderlok für Personenzüge auf der Südinsel, Kapspur (1067 mm), 7 Exemplare wurden c 1920-1935 mit Ueberhitzern ausgerüstet, die 3 nicht umgebauten Maschinen wurden 1934-1936 ausrangiert, die Heissdampfloks 1955-1959
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1175, Ferrocarril del Sud (FRC)
4-4-0 Tender locomotive for passenger service, probably wet steam, possibly compound
Caption (German)
4-4-0 Schlepptenderlokomotive für Personenverkehr, wahrscheinlich Nassdampf, allenfalls Verbund
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1180, gauge 5'-5 7/8'' engine
This rather British-looking tender locomotive with the 2-4-0T axle arrangement and the name SESTAO is an export to Spain "Ferrocarril de Bilbao a Portugalete".
Caption (German)
Diese doch recht britisch anmutende Tenderlok mit der Achsanordnung 2-4-0T und dem Namen SESTAO ist ein Export nach Spanien "Ferrocarril de Bilbao a Portugalete"
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart & Co, Atlas Works, Glasgow (SS) E1184, North Western Railway (NWR) M class [?]
Years of construction 1902-1903, 44 units, 38 of them from SS and 6 after the merger of NBL, broad gauge tender locomotive for passenger trains, gauge 5' 6'' / 1676 mm; type 4-4-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class M, forerunner of the BESA class SP (Standard Passenger), scrapped in the early 1930s
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1902-1903, 44 Exemplare, davon 38 von SS und 6 nach der Fusion von NBL, Breitspur-Schlepptenderlokomotive für Reisezüge, Spurweite 5' 6'' / 1676 mm; Bauart 4-4-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse M, Vorläufer der BESA Klasse SP (Standard Passenger), Ausrangiert Anfang 1930er Jahre
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart & Co, Atlas Works, Glasgow, E1185, 4826, Martin & Co., Calcutta for Howrah - Amta Light Railway 21 "Edward VII"
Gauge 2'-0" (610mm). "Calcutta", 2 feet, i.e. 60 cm, are given as the gauge, so it could be a type of light railroad or plantation locomotive
Caption (German)
Spurweite 2'-0" (610mm). "Calcutta", als Spurweite sind 2 Fuss, also 60 cm angegeben, es könnte sich somit um eine Art Feldbahn- oder Plantagenlokomotive handeln
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 4914, Kalka Simla Railway 3 "Andrew Clarke"
Year of construction 1902, 10 units, 0-4-2T No. 3, track gauge 762mm
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1902, 10 Exemplare, 0-4-2T No. 3, Spurweite 762mm
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1189, gauge 3'-3 3/8'' engine
4-6-0 General-purpose locomotive (UIC: 2'C n2) for meter gauge
Caption (German)
4-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive (UIC: 2'C n2) für Meterspur
Record Name
Title (German)
Sharp, Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) E 1195 4871, North British Locomotive (NBL) Nr. 2 "Hellin"
built 1902, single piece, 0-4-0ST saddle tank tender loco for shunting services, UIC: Bn2, gauge 600 mm (either works railroad or light railroad), light saddle tank loco with external cylinders and internal power unit for the railroad's worker trains, allegedly only 8 hp, preserved
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1902, Einzelstück, 0-4-0ST Satteltank-Tenderlok für Rangierdienste, UIC: Bn2, Spurweite 600 mm (entweder Werkbahn oder Feldbahn), leichte Satteltanklok mit Aussenzylindern und Innentriebwerk für die Arbeiterzüge der Bahn, angeblich nur 8 PS, erhalten
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1201, gauge 3'-3 3/8'' engine
This 2-6-2T tank locomotive with decidedly small driving wheels was built (as inscribed on the engine) for the Estrada de Ferro de Santa Amaro, a branch line opened in 1880 in the province of Bahia in Brazil
Caption (German)
Diese 2-6-2T Tenderlokomotive mit ausgesprochen kleinen Triebrädern wurde (wie auf der Maschine angeschrieben) für die Estrada de Ferro de Santa Amaro hergestellt, eine im Jahre 1880 eröffnete Nebenbahn in der Provinz Bahia in Brasilien
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), Atlas Works E.1202, 15737, Glasgow and South Western Railway (G&SWR) 384
built 1903-1904, 10 units, design: J. Manson, 4-6-0 wet steam express locomotive with external drive and internal control, UIC: 2'C n2, class 381/Manson class, discarded 1933
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1903-1904, 10 Exemplare, Design: J. Manson, 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Schnellzugslokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, UIC: 2’C n2, class 381/Manson class, Ausrangierung 1933
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL), Atlas Works (SS) E1208, Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina 222
Year of manufacture 1903, 1'D n2; 1000
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1903, 1’D n2; 1000
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1212, Great Southern & Western Railway (GS&WR), gauge 5'-3'' engine
Year of construction 1903, 8 units, class 355, broad gauge 1600mm, wheel arrangement 0-6-0, rebuilt in 1907 in wheel arrangement 2-6-0
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1903, 8 Exemplare, Klasse 355, Breitspur 1600mm, Achsfolge 0-6-0, Umbau 1907 in Achsfolge 2-6-0
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) E1213, 15957, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 209, class D6
Built in 1903/1905, (at least) 34 examples, gauge 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm), 4-6-0 with external power unit and internal control for express trains, class D6
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1903/1905, (mindestens) 34 Exemplare, Spurweite 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm), 4-6-0 mit Aussentriebwerk und Innensteuerung für Schnellzüge, Klasse D6
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1217, Ferrocarril Oeste de Buenos Aires (FCO)
4-6-0 Wet steam twin locomotive for mixed traffic, external drive and internal control, clase 5
Caption (German)
4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zwillingslokomotive für gemischten Verkehr, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, clase 5
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) E1219, Ferrocarriles Unidos de la Habana (FCUH) 225
Year of manufacture 1901, 22 copies
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1901, 22 Exemplare
Record Name
Title (German)
Hunslet Engine Company, North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) LII, gauge 2'-6'' engine, 2-6-2, Klasse K
This narrow gauge locomotive (2 feet and 6 inches, approx. 76 cm) with 2-4-2T or 2-6-2 wheel arrangement, outer frame and drive by cranks, was supplied for the narrow gauge lines of the Delhi Umballa & Kalka Railway, in the time frame of 1904-1910
Caption (German)
Diese Schmalspurlok (2 Fuss und 6 Zoll, ca. 76 cm) mit der Achsfolge 2-4-2T oder 2-6-2, Aussenrahmen und Antrieb über Kurbeln, wurde für die Schmalspurstrecken der Delhi Umballa & Kalka Railway geliefert und zwar im Zeitfenster von 1904-1910
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L20, 16132-16160, Indien, North Western Railway (NWR) (707-735)
Years of construction 1901-1915, 47 units in 5 construction lots (NWR 701-747), broad gauge tender locomotive for shunting service, type 0-6-2T (UIC: C1' n2t), wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class ST (Shunting Tank), gauge: 5 ft 6in = 1676 mm
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1901-1915, 47 Exemplare in 5 Baulosen (NWR 701-747), Breitspur-Tenderlokomotive für Rangierdienst, Bauart 0-6-2T (UIC: C1' n2t), Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse ST (Shunting Tank), Spurweite: 5 ft 6in = 1676 mm
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L31, 16207, Central South African Railways (CSAR) 700
Built in 1904, 36 units, design: P. A. Hyde, 2-8-0 wet steam twin freight locomotive (UIC: 1'D1') (informally: Mikado) with external drive and external control according to Walschaerts, gauge 1067mm (Cape gauge), class 11, discarded until 1975
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1904, 36 Exemplare, Design: P. A. Hyde, 2-8-0 Nassdampf-Zwillings-Güterzuglokomotive (UIC: 1’D1‘) (informell: Mikado) mit Aussenantrieb und Aussensteuerung nach Walschaerts, Spurweite 1067mm (Kapspur), class 11, Ausrangierungen bis 1975
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L13&22, 16171, Rhodesia Railway Company 41
Year of construction 1903, gauge 1067 mm, wheel arrangement 4-8-0, first locomotive of the 5th series, there were some differences in design between the individual series
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1903, Spurweite 1067 mm, Achsfolge 4-8-0, erste Lokomotive der 5. Serie, zwischen den einzelnen Serien gab es teilweise Bauartunterschiede
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L17, gauge 4'-8 1/2'' engine
The Furness Railway's five engines, numbers 103-107, delivered in 1904 by North British, were the continuation of an identical series delivered by Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. The two series ran under the class designation "Cleator Tanks", they were decommissioned in the years 1919-1934.
Caption (German)
Die fünf Maschinen Nummern 103–107 der Furness Railway, geliefert im Jahre 1904 von North British, waren die Fortsetzung einer gleichen Serie, geliefert von Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. Die beiden Serien liefen unter der Klassenbezeichnung "Cleator Tanks", sie wurden in den Jahren 1919–1934 ausser Dienst gestellt
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L26, gauge 3'-3 3/8'' engine
Light 0-6-0 two-cylinder wet steam freight locomotive with external drive and internal control for meter gauge (to be derived from Imperial specifications) and tropical areas (airy cab, cowcatcher) and wood firing (semi-open superstructure on tender).
Caption (German)
Leichte 0-6-0 Zweizylinder Nassdampf-Güterzuglokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung für Meterspur (aus den Imperial-Spezifikationen abzuleiten) und tropische Gegenden (luftiges Führerhaus, Kuhfänger) und Holzfeuerung (halboffener Aufbau auf dem Tender)
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L29, Central South African Railways, gauge 3'-6'' engine
Built in 1904, 4-6-2 two-cylinder hot steam express locomotive for Cape gauge, UIC: 2'C1' h2 (Pacific), class 10, discarded until 1971/72
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1904, 4-6-2 Zweizylinder Heissdampf-Schnellzugslokomotive für Kapspur, UIC: 2’C1‘ h2 (Pacific), class 10, Ausrangierungen bis 1971/72
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L39, Burma Railways (BR)
Years of construction 1903-1904, 10 examples, 4-6-0 two-cylinder wet steam locomotive for mixed traffic on meter gauge, class K, possibly an early expression of BESA standards for this gauge,
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1903-1904, 10 Exemplare, 4-6-0 Zweizylinder-Nassdampflokomotive für gemischten Verkehr auf Meterspur, Klasse K, möglicherweise eine frühe Ausprägung der BESA-Standards für diese Spur,
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L65, gauge 5'-6'' engine
Stubbed 4-6-0 machine for the so-called "Indian broad gauge", which is not only found in neighboring countries (Afghanistan, Ceylon), but also in Argentina in particular.
Caption (German)
Gedrungene 4-6-0 Maschine für sog. "indische Breitspur", dia aber nicht nur in den Nachbarländern (Afghanistan, Ceylon) vorkommt, sondern insb. auch in Argentinien
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L71, East Indian Railways, gauge 5'-6'' engine
4-6-0 broad gauge express locomotive, UIC: 2'C n2, outside drive and inside control
Caption (German)
4-6-0 Breitspur Schnellzugslokomotive, UIC: 2'C n2, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L114, Midland and South West Junction Railway (MSWJR)
Years of construction 1904-1914, 4-4-0 two-cylinder (wet steam) express locomotive with inside drive and inside control, UIC: 2'B n2, series 1-8 , discarded May 1935 at Andover depot.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1904-1914, 4-4-0 Zweizylinder (Nassdampf-)Schnellzugslokomotive mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, UIC: 2’B n2, Serie 1-8 , Ausrangierung Mai 1935 beim Depot Andover
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L123, Egyptian State Railway 694
Years of construction 1905/06, part series 680-694, North British, 4-4-0 wet steam twin locomotive for express trains, UIC: 2'B n2, external frame, internal drive and internal control, driving wheels driven by Hall's cranks, class 221, discarded until 1950. The Egypt State Railways procured a large number of locomotives with the wheel arrangement 4-4-0 ("American") for express train services shortly after 1900. The machines were built by various manufacturers, including Henschel in Kassel and the Wiener Lokomotivfabrik. The basic model, however, was designed (assumption from the sequence of service numbers) by Neilson & Co in Glasgow.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1905/06, Teilserie 680-694, North British, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zwillingslokomotive für Schnellzüge, UIC: 2’B n2, Aussenrahmen, Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Triebräder über Hall’sche Kurbeln angetrieben, class 221, Ausrangierung bis 1950. Die Egypt State Railways beschafften kurz nach 1900 eine grössere Anzahl Loks mit der Achsfolge 4-4-0 ("American") für Schnellzugsdienste. Die Maschinen sind von verschiedenen Herstellern gebaut worden, so auch von Henschel in Kassel und von der Wiener Lokomotivfabrik. Das Grundmodell wurde jedoch (Annahme aus der Abfolge der Betriebsnummern) von Neilson & Co in Glasgow entworfen.
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L127, Ferrocarril del Oeste (FCO)
Year of construction 1905, freight locomotive, with two-cylinder compound drive, wheel arrangement 2-8-0, gauge 5'-6" engine
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1905, Güterzugslokomotive, mit Zweizylinder-Verbundantrieb, Achsfolge 2-8-0, gauge 5'-6" engine
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L150, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 771, class H1, Achsfolge "Consolidation"
Compact freight train engine for Indian broad gauge, presumably wet steam twin, wheel arrangement 2-8-0, class H1. Freight train engine, towing capacity max. 1'000 tons. The color scheme is known thanks to a special stamp issued by the Sub-Sultanate of Dhufar to commemorate the 100th birthday of Winston Churchill (1874-1974): Smokebox black, rest reddish brown with yellow trim stripes
Caption (German)
Kompakte Güterzugsmaschine für indische Breitspur, vermutlich Nassdampf-Zwilling, Achsfolge 2-8-0, class H1. Güterzugsmaschine, Anhängelast max. 1‘000 Tonnen. Die Farbgebung ist dank einer Sonderbriefmarke des Sub-Sultanates von Dhufar zum 100. Geburtstag von Winston Churchill (1874-1974) bekannt: Rauchkammer schwarz, Rest Rotbraun mit gelben Zierstreifen
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L161, Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway (FCS)
Built 1905-1906, 2-6-2T hot steam twin tender locomotive for broad gauge (5 feet 6 inches) with outside drive and inside control, class 8A, discarded 1980
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1905-1906, 2-6-2T Heissdampf-Zwillings-Tenderlokomotive für Breitspur (5 Fuss 6 Inches) mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, class 8A, Ausrangierung 1980
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L164, Assam Bengal Railway
4-8-0 freight locomotive of early standard type HF
Caption (German)
4-8-0 Güterzuglokomotive vom frühen Standardtyp HF
Record Name
Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L174, gauge 3'-3 3/8'' engine
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1207, Caledonian Railway (CR) 526
Years of construction 1861-1874, axle arrangement 0-4-2
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1861-1874, Achsfolge 0-4-2
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Scottish North Eastern Railway (SNER) 58
Year of manufacture 1865, axle sequence 0-4-2
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1865, Achsfolge 0-4-2
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, London Chatham & Dover Railway, tank passenger engine, 4'-8 1/2" gauge, "Jura"
Year of construction 1866, 14 units, design Archibald Sturrock of the Great Northern, 0-4-2T tender locomotive for suburban service, UIC: B1 n2, out of service around 1900
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1866, 14 Exemplare, Design Archibald Sturrock der Great Northern, 0-4-2T Tenderlok für Vorortsverkehr, UIC: B1 n2, ausser Betrieb um 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1216, Athens & Piraeus Railway
Year of construction 1866/67, 0-4-2T two-cylinder wet steam tender locomotive with internal drive and internal controls
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1866/67, 0-4-2T Zweizylinder Nassdampf-Tenderlokomotive mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, North British Railway (NBR) 1365
Built 1867-69, 88 units, Wheatley design, 0-6-0 wet steam twin locomotive for freight trains, external drive and internal control according to Stephenson, UIC: C n2, class E, continuous optimizations, but no fundamental changes from 1911 hesitant, last unit 1937
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1867-69, 88 Exemplare, Design Wheatley, 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zwillingslokomotive für Güterzüge, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung nach Stephenson, UIC: C n2, class E, laufend Optimierungen, aber keine grundlegenden Aenderungen ab 1911 zögernd, letztes Exemplar 1937
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1285, North British Railwayy (NRB) 406, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1867-1869, 26 examples, design Thomas Wheatley, interior drive and interior control, class E, discarded as of 1911
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1867-1869, 26 Exemplare, Design Thomas Wheatley, Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, class E, Ausrangierung ab 1911
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 98
Years of construction, 1867-73, 28 examples, of which 18 from Neilson and 10 own workshop St. Rollox, designer Benjamin Conner, 2-4-0 wet steam twin express locomotive with external drive and internal control, wheel arrangement UIC: 1 B n2, discarded as of 1900
Caption (German)
Baujahre, 1867-73, 28 Exemplare, wovon 18 von Neilson und 10 eigene Werkstätte St. Rollox, Designer Benjamin Conner, 2-4-0 Nassdampf-Zwillings-Schnellzugslokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Achsfolge UIC: 1 B n2, Ausrangierung ab 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 98
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 5'-0'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Freight locomotive with wheel arrangement C for broad gauge, built: Glasgow, entered service in 1868 as series Г (Cyrillic G) of the Orel - Grjasi Railroad (Russia).
Caption (German)
Güterzuglokomotive mit Achsfolge C für Breitspur, erbaut: Glasgow, 1868 als Serie Г (kyrillisch G) der Orel – Grjasi-Eisenbahn (Russland) in Dienst gestellt
Record Name
Title (German)
Tender, 1868 für die Grand Trunk Railway GTR in Kanada gebaut
In Ans_05373-1270 one of these tenders with associated locomotive is shown
Caption (German)
In Ans_05373-1270 ist einer dieser Tender mit zugehöriger Lokomotive abgebildet
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 139
Year of construction 1870, copies 2, both Neilson, designer Benjamin Conner, 0-6-0ST wet steam twin shunting and freight locomotive with external drive and internal control, wheel arrangement UIC: C n2, discarded around 1900
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1870, Exemplare 2, beide Neilson, Designer Benjamin Conner, 0-6-0ST Nassdampf-Zwillings-Rangier- und Güterzugslokomotive mit Aussenantreib und Innensteuerung, Achsfolge UIC: C n2, Ausrangierung um 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1541, tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
0-4-0 tank locomotive (UIC: B n2) for shunting and factory operation, standard gauge
Caption (German)
0-4-0 Tenderlok (UIC: B n2) für Rangier- und Werksbetrieb, Normalspur
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great Eastern Railway (GER) 134
Built 1872/73, 30 examples, of which 15 Neilson and 15 Avonside Engine Co, designer Samuel Waite Johnson, 0-4-4T wet steam twin tender locomotive for suburban services, internal drive and internal control, UIC wheel arrangement: B2' n2t, modernized several times, esp. cab, discarded 1902-1912 in the Lowestoft area
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1872/73, 30 Exemplare, wovon 15 Neilson und 15 Avonside Engine Co, Designer Samuel Waite Johnson, 0-4-4T Nassdampf-Zwillings-Tenderlok für Vorortsverkehre, Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Achsfolge UIC: B2' n2t, mehrfach modernisiert, insb. Führerhaus, Ausrangierung 1902-1912 im Raum Lowestoft
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, 1746, London Chatham and Dover Railway (LC&DR) "Scotia", tank passenger engine, 4'-8 1/2" gauge
Year of construction 1873, discarded between 1909-1914
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1873, Ausrangierung zwischen 1909-1914
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 488
Year of construction 1873/74, 4 units, designer Benjamin Conner, wheel arrangement 0-4-4WT, wet steam twin tender locomotives for suburban services, external drive and internal control, UIC: B2' n2t, discarded 1900-1910
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1873/74, 4 Exemplare, Designer Benjamin Conner, Achsfolge 0-4-4WT, Nassdampf-Zwillings Tenderloks für Vorortsdienste, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, UIC: B2' n2t, Ausrangierung 1900-1910
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1783, tank engine, 5'-3'' gauge
Year of manufacture: 1873
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1873
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Midland Great Western Railway (MGWR) 21 "Swift"
Years of construction 1873-1884, 39 units, designer: Martin Atock, axle arrangement 2-4-0, class D, discarded in the 1890s
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1873-1884, 39 Exemplare, Designer: Martin Atock, Achsfolge 2-4-0, Klasse D, Ausrangierung in den 1890er-Jahren
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 1783, tank engine, 5'-3'' gauge
Year of manufacture 1873
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1873
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, North Eastern Railway (NER), coupled express passenger engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1872-1882, copies 55 (of which only 10 by Neilson), wet steam twin express locomotive with internal drive and internal controls according to Stephenson, design: Edward Fletcher, class 901, discarded in 1925 (no. 910 is preserved in museum)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1872-1882, Exemplare 55 (davon nur 10 von Neilson), Nassdampf-Zwillings-Schnellzugslokomotive mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung nach Stephenson, Design: Edward Fletcher, class 901, Ausrangierung 1925 (Nr. 910 ist museal erhalten)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels, North Eastern Railway (NER) 941
Built 1875-1885, 325 units, two other builders besides Neilson, wet steam twin freight locomotive, designer: Edward Fletcher, class 398, 0-6-0 wheel arrangement, inside drive and inside control, discarded 1923 (before "grouping")
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1875-1885, 325 Exemplare, neben Neilson zwei weitere Baufirmen, Nassdampf-Zwillings-Güterzugslokomotive, Designer: Edward Fletcher, class 398, Achsfolge 0-6-0, Innenenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Ausrangierungen 1923 (noch vor dem "grouping")
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, 1896, South Indian Railway (SIR) 25
Years of construction 1874-1880, 83 copies, of which 37 ex. Neilson 1874-76, 36 Ex. Sharp Stewart 1875 and 10 Ex. Dübs 1880, meter gauge locomotive for freight trains, type 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with external cylinders and Stephenson internal control, class A.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1880, 83 Exemplare, davon 37 Ex. Neilson 1874-76, 36 Ex. Sharp Stewart 1875 und 10 Ex. Dübs 1880, Meterspur-Schlepptenderlok für Güterzüge, Bauart 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und Stephenson-Innensteuerung, Klasse A.
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Midland Railway 1234, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Built 1875/1876, 120 units (30 units built by Neilson and Vulcan Foundry), design Samuel W. Johnson, class 1142, 0-6-0 freight locomotive (UIC: C 2n). This locomotive came to British Railways in 1948 as No. 58175 and was first withdrawn in 1960, at that time one of the oldest steam locomotives still in service in GB.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1875/1876, 120 Exemplare (30 Exemplare von Neilson und Vulcan Foundry), Design Samuel W. Johnson, class 1142, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive (UIC: C 2n). Vorliegende Maschine gelangte 1948 als Nr. 58175 noch zu British Railways und wurde erste 1960 abgebrochen, damals eine der ältesten noch im Verkehr befindlichen Dampfloks in GB
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Midland Railway 1104
Years of construction 1874-1876, 40 units (No. 1102 - 1141), Neilson and Vulcan Foundry, design S. Johnson, 1102 class, 0-6-0T tender locomotive, UIC: C 2n, inside drive and inside control, out of service between 1920 and 1931
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1876, 40 Exemplare (Nr. 1102 - 1141), Neilson und Vulcan Foundry, Design S. Johnson, 1102 class, 0-6-0T Tenderlok, UIC: C 2n, Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Ausser Betrieb zwischen 1920 und 1931
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 128
Built 1877, 5 examples, Neilson, designer Benjamin Conner, 4-4-0 wet steam twin locomotive for express trains, UIC: 2'B n2, Class 125, discarded around 1900.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1877, 5 Exemplare, Neilson, Designer Benjamin Conner, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zwillingslokomotive für Schnellzüge, UIC: 2'B n2, Class 125, Ausrangierung um 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, North British Railway J32
Year of construction 1876/77, designer Dugald Drummond, 0-6-0 wet steam twin freight locomotive, inside drive, inside control according to Joy, UIC: C n2, ongoing modernizations and rebuilds, discarded 1921-25
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1876/77, Designer Dugald Drummond, 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zwillings-Güterzuglokomotive, Innenantrieb, Innensteuerung nach Joy, UIC: C n2, laufende Modernisierungen und Umbauten, Ausrangierungen 1921-25
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Indian State Railways (ISR), mixed engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction approx. 1876-1880, approx. 150-180 units, Indian meter gauge tender locomotive for mixed service, type: 0-4-2, wet steam two-cylinder with external cylinders and internal Stephenson control, E-class 0-4-2
Caption (German)
Baujahre ca. 1876-1880, ca. 150-180 Exemplare, indische Meterspur-Schlepptenderlok für gemischten Dienst, Bauart: 0-4-2, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und innenliegender Stephenson-Steuerung, E-class 0-4-2
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company, North British Railways (NBR) 475, 2-2-2 express engine
Built in 1876, 2 examples (No. 474, No. 475), design Dugald Drummond, Berwick class, 2-2-2 express locomotive, UIC: 1A1, discarded probably before 1900
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1876, 2 Exemplare (Nr. 474, Nr. 475), Design Dugald Drummond, Berwick class, 2-2-2 Schnellzugslokomotive, UIC: 1A1, Ausrangierung wahrscheinlich vor 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company, North British Railways (NBR) 474, 2-2-2 express engine
Built in 1876, 2 examples (No. 474, No. 475), design Dugald Drummond, Berwick class, 2-2-2 express locomotive, UIC: 1A1, discarded probably before 1900
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1876, 2 Exemplare (Nr. 474, Nr. 475), Design Dugald Drummond, Berwick class, 2-2-2 Schnellzugslokomotive, UIC: 1A1, Ausrangierung wahrscheinlich vor 1900
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 2203, Kelton Fell Mine, William Baird & Co.
Year of construction 1876, 0-4-0ST saddle tank locomotive for works traffic on a coal railroad, discarded in 1968, preserved as a museum piece
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1876, 0-4-0ST Satteltanklokomotive für Werksverkehr auf einer Kohlenbahn, Ausrangierung 1968, blieb museal erhalten
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, North British Railways (NBR) 479 "Abbotsford"
Year of construction 1876, 12 units, designer: D. Drummond, wheel arrangement 4-4-0, class 476, discarded 1921-1926
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1876, 12 Exemplare, Designer: D. Drummond, Achsfolge 4-4-0, Klasse 476, Ausrangierungen 1921-1926
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 2228[?], 7, tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
Built approx. 1872, 0-2-0T works locomotive, UIC: B n2, external drive and external control according to Stephenson
Caption (German)
Baujahr ca. 1872, 0-2-0T Werklokomotive, UIC: B n2, Aussenantrieb und Aussensteuerung nach Stephenson
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 457, coupled goods engine, tender on 6 wheels
Caledonian Railway CR 457 [CR 615 Class - 1B n2]; built 1878 at Neilson & Co, WN: 2237; 1912 uz CR 1457; cashed in 1912.
Caption (German)
Caledonian Railway CR 457 [CR 615 Class - 1B n2]; gebaut 1878 bei Neilson & Co, WN: 2237; 1912 uz CR 1457; kassiert 1912
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
0-6-0 General-purpose locomotive for broad gauge, UIC: C n2, gauge
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Mehrzwecklokomotive für Breitspur, UIC: C n2, Spurweite
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Midland Railway 34, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1875/1876, 120 units (30 units from Neilson and Vulcan Foundry), design Samuel W. Johnson, class 1142, 0-6-0 freight locomotive (UIC: C 2n)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1875/1876, 120 Exemplare (30 Exemplare von Neilson und Vulcan Foundry), Design Samuel W. Johnson, class 1142, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive (UIC: C 2n)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, coupled goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Midland Railway 83, passenger engine, mètre gauge, tender on 4 wheels
0-4-2 meter gauge passenger locomotive, UIC: 0-4-2 n2, outside drive and inside control
Caption (German)
0-4-2 Meterspur Personenzugslokomotive, UIC: 0-4-2 n2, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great North of Scotland Railway (GNSR) 62
Built 1879, 9 examples, design William Cowan, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class M, discarded 1925-1932
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1879, 9 Exemplare, Design William Cowan, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class M, Ausrangierungen 1925-1932
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, 2370, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway LYR 86, bogie tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
built 1878-1879, 32 units, various manufacturers, another 40 units built 1885/1886, Sharp Stewart, design: Kitsons and Barton Wright, class 111 for fast short-haul service, 0-4-4T tank locomotives, UIC: B2' n2t, discarded 11/1905
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1878-1879, 32 Exemplare, diverse Hersteller, weitere 40 Exemplare Baujahr 1885/1886, Sharp Stewart, Design: Kitsons und Barton Wright, class 111 für schnellen Kurzstreckenverkehr, 0-4-4T Tenderlokomotiven, UIC: B2' n2t, Ausrangierung 11/1905
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great North of Scotland Railway (GNSR) 1
Built 1879, 3 examples, design William Cowan, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class M, discarded 1925-1927
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1879, 3 Exemplare, Design William Cowan, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class M, Ausrangierungen 1925-1927
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Neuseeland
Years of construction 1872-1888, 88 units, class F saddle tank locomotive, wheel arrangement 0-6-0ST, gauge 1067 mm
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1872-1888, 88 Exemplare, Satteltanklokomotive Klasse F, Achsfolge 0-6-0ST, Spurweite 1067 mm
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, North British Railway (NBR) 496, bogie passenger tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
Built 1879, 3 examples, Neilson, 494 class (later P-class), 4-4-0T tender locomotive for suburban service, UIC: 2'B n2t, discard of No. 496 shown in May 1924
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1879, 3 Exemplare, Neilson, 494 class (später P-Class), 4-4-0T Tenderlok für Vorortsverkehr, UIC: 2'B n2t, Ausrangierung der abgebildeten Nr. 496 im Mai 1924
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great Indian Peninsular Railway (GIPR)
0-8-0ST Saddle tank locomotives for broad gauge (1676 mm)
Caption (German)
0-8-0ST Satteltank-Lokomotiven für Breitspur (1676 mm)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 2532, Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway (ORR) (91)
Built 1880, 30 examples, 15 each by Neilson and Dübs, also in Glasgow), broad gauge trailing tender locomotive for freight trains, gauge 5ft 6in = 1676 mm, type 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class C, discarded until c. 1926
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1880, 30 Exemplare, je 15 von Neilson und Dübs, ebenfalls in Glasgow), Breitspur-Schlepptenderlok für Güterzüge, Spurweite 5ft 6in = 1676 mm, Bauart 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C, ausrangiert bis ca. 1926
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, 81, bogie passenger tank engine, 3'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Light passenger locomotive 4-4-0 for Cape gauge, UIC: 2'B n2
Caption (German)
Leichte Personenzuglokomotive 4-4-0 für Kapspur, UIC: 2'B n2
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E513, Caledonian Railway 159, class 152, 2-4-2T
Built in 1880, 15 examples under Chief Mechanical Engineer George Brittain, tender locomotive for lighter suburban and branch line service, discarded as of 1920
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1880, 15 Exemplare unter Chief Mechanical Engineer George Brittain, Tenderlok für leichteren Vororts- und Nebenlinienverkehr, Ausrangierungen ab 1920
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E516 2587, Imperial Brazilian Natal & Nova Crux Railway (N&NCR) 3 "Lobato"
Metre gauge, wet steam engine with external frame and external drive via cranks, wheel arrangement: 4-6-0 (UIC 2'C), the prominent spark arrestor chimney indicates wood firing
Caption (German)
Meterspur, Nassdampfmaschine mit Aussenrahmen und Aussenantrieb über Kurbeln, Achsfolge: 4-6-0 (UIC 2'C), der prominente Funkenfänger-Kamin deutet auf Holzfeuerung hin
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, mixed bogie tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Indian State Railway (ISR)
2-6-0 light narrow or meter gauge general-purpose locomotive, externally driven by cranks, internally controlled, tender superstructure suggests wood firing
Caption (German)
2-6-0 leichte Schmal- bzw. Meterspur-Allzwecklokomotive, Aussenantrieb über Kurbeln, Innensteuerung, Tenderaufbau lässt Holzfeuerung vermuten
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, passenger engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 4 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E544 2872, Ferrocarril Mexicano (FCM) 12, bogie goods tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
built 1882, 2'C n2t, 1435, rebuilt between 1890-1899 FC Mexicano FCM 132, 1907 Vera Cruz Terminal Railway
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1882, 2’C n2t, 1435, zwischen 1890-1899 umbez. FC Mexicano FCM 132, 1907 Vera Cruz Terminal Railway
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great North of Scotland Railway (GNSR)
Year of construction 1893, 6 units, design James Johnson, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class S, classic British interior drive with interior control, out of service since 1946
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1893, 6 Exemplare, Design James Johnson, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class S, klassisch britischer Innenantrieb mit Innensteuerung, ab 1946 ausser Betrieb
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E583 3293, East Indian Railway (EIR) class C, no. 618
Years of construction 1877-1886, 195 examples in several lots from 4 British manufacturers, broad gauge locomotive (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) for freight trains, type: 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class C
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1877-1886, 195 Exemplare in mehreren Losen von 4 britischen Herstellern, Breitspurlok (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) für Güterzüge, Bauart: 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, bogie passenger engine, 5'-6'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E574, London & South Western Railway (LSWR) 4-4-0 460 class
Built 1884, 21 examples, factory no. 3190-319, numbers. 460-469, design: Willian Adams, 4-4-0 wet steam two-cylinder locomotive with outside cylinders and inside control for express trains, discarded 1924-1929.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1884, 21 Exemplare, Fabrik-Nr. 3190-319, Nummern. 460-469, Design: Willian Adams, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder Lok mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung für Schnellzüge, Ausrangierung 1924-1929
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, London & South Western Railway (LSWR) 486
built 1882-1885, 71 units, designer: William Adams, wheel arrangement 4-4-2T, class 0415, discarded until 1961
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1882-1885, 71 Exemplare, Designer: William Adams, Achsfolge 4-4-2T, Klasse 0415, Ausrangierungen bis 1961
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, bogie passenger engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Indian State Railways (I.S.R.), 4-4-0 express locomotive, possibly M-class, UIC: 2'B n2. Half-covered tender. Overall appearance and trim lines as Ans_05373-1222
Caption (German)
Indian State Railways (I.S.R.), 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, möglicherweise M-class, UIC: 2'B n2. Halb überdeckter Tender. Gesamtanmutung und Zierlinien wie Ans_05373-1222
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E580, 0-6-0, Caledonian Railway (CR) 689
Standard freight train engine, overall design Dubald Drummond, years of construction 1883-1897, out of service as of 1961
Caption (German)
Standardmässige Güterzugsmaschine, Gesamtentwurf Dubald Drummond, Baujahre 1883-1897, ab 1961 ausser Dienst
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E583 3293, East Indian Railway (EIR) class C, no. 110, gauge 5'-6'', tender on 6 wheels
Built 1877-1886, 195 units in several lots from 4 British manufacturers, broad gauge locomotive (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) for freight trains, type: 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal engine, class C
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1877-1886, 195 Exemplare in mehreren Losen von 4 britischen Herstellern, Breitspurlok (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) für Güterzüge, Bauart: 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, coupled goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Indian State Railways (I.S.R.), 4-6-0 general-purpose locomotive for broad gauge, L-class, UIC: 2'C n2, semi-covered tender
Caption (German)
Indian State Railways (I.S.R.), 4-6-0 Mehrzwecklokomotive für Breitspur, L-class, UIC: 2'C n2, Halb überdachter Tender
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E584, 3339, Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) V39 class (616), radial tank engine, 5'-6'' gauge
Year of construction 1885, 22 units (GIPR 600-621), all built by Neilson, serial nos. 3323-3344, broad gauge tank locomotive for suburban traffic in Bombay, gauge 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Design: 0-6-2T, wet steam two-cylinder with slightly inclined external cylinders and internal controls, class V39, later V1, type tends to be a machine for suburban passenger services
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1885, 22 Exemplare (GIPR 600-621), alle gebaut von Neilson, Fabrik-Nrn. 3323-3344, Breitspur-Tenderlokomotive für den Vorortsverkehr von Bombay, Spurweite 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Bauart: 0-6-2T, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit leicht schräg liegenden Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Klasse V39, später V1, vom Typ her tendenziell eine Maschine für Personen-Vorortsverkehr
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 3553, Caledonian Railway (CR) 123
Built 1886, one-off, designer Dugald Drummond, wheel arrangement 4-2-2, exhibition locomotive in collaboration between CR and Neilson for International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art in Edinburgh, 2019 at Glasgow Museum of Transport.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1886, Einzelstück, Designer Dugald Drummond, Achsfolge 4-2-2, Ausstellungslokomotive in Zusammenarbeit von CR und Neilson für International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art in Edinburgh, 2019 im Glasgow Museum of Transport
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E607 3616, Glasgow & Paisley Joint Railway 1
This small tender locomotive combines two (at least in that era) contrary elements: the typical British saddle tank and the rather continental drive with external cylinders
Caption (German)
Bei dieser kleinen Tenderlok vereinen sich zwei (mindestens in jener Epoche) konträre Elemente: der typisch britische Satteltank und der eher kontinentale Antrieb mit Aussenylindern
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E626 3760, North Western Railway (NWR) 201
Built in 1888, 5 examples (for NWR, Nos. 201-205, later 687-691, Neilson 3760-3764), semitrailer tank locomotive for push service at the Khojak Pass in the border area between (today's) Pakistan and Afghanistan, type: 0-8-0ST, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, driving wheel diameter 1219 mm, class TB, broad gauge 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm. Locomotive for export overseas with typical features such as cowcatcher and large headlight.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1888, 5 Exemplare (für NWR, Nrn. 201-205, später 687-691, Neilson 3760-3764), Satteltanklok für Schiebedienst am Khojak Pass im Grenzgebiet zwischen (dem heutigen) Pakistan und Afghanistan, Bauart: 0-8-0ST, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Treibraddurchmesser 1219 mm, Klasse TB, Breitspur 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm. Lokomotive für den Export nach Übersee mit den typischen Merkmalen wie Kuhfänger und grosser Scheinwerfer
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 3765, tank engine, 3'-6'' gauge, E. B. & M. B. R.
Year of construction: 1888. This peculiar 0-6-4T tender engine was a one-off, gauge 1067mm (Cape gauge).
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1888. Diese eigenartige 0-6-4T Tendermaschine war ein Einzelstück, Spurweite 1067mm (Kapspur)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E631 3788, mineral tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, Hockley, Hall & Whateley Colliery
Built in 1883, 0-4-0ST works locomotive for coal mine. Saddle tank, external drive, internal control, extremely short axle base for tight curve radii.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1883, 0-4-0ST Werklokomotive für Kohlenmine. Satteltank, Aussenantrieb, Innensteuerung, extrem kurzer Achsstand für enge Kurvenradien
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E634 3800, Argentine North Eastern Railway (FCNEA) 1 "Alvear"
32 copies, 0-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal control. Steam locomotive with tender (designed for wood fuel).
Caption (German)
32 Exemplare, 0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung. Dampflokomotive mit Schlepptender (konzipiert für Holz als Brennstoff)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, mixed goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Ferrocarril Mexicano
built 1889, 12 examples, 0-6-6-0 Double Fairlie, class R-1, discarded 1925
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1889, 12 Exemplare, 0-6-6-0 Double Fairlie, Klasse R-1, Ausrangierung 1925
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E648 3939, South Eastern Railway (SER), Q class, 352
Tank locomotive for light passenger and suburban service, concept: James Stirling. A total of 118 of this class were built between 1881 and 1897. Before the First World War, about half of these locomotives were slightly modernized by Harry Wainwright, after which they were considered "class Q1". In 1929, none of these locomotives, whether rebuilt or not, was in service any more
Caption (German)
Tenderlok für leichten Personen- und Vorortverkehr, Konzept: James Stirling. In den Jahren 1881-1897 wurden insgesamt 118 Stück dieser Klasse erbaut. Noch vor dem ersten Weltkrieg wurde etwa die Hälft dieser Loks von Harry Wainwright leicht modernisiert, worauf sie als "class Q1" galten. 1929 war keine dieser Maschinen, ob umgebaut oder nicht, mehr in Betrieb
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E649, 3943, Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) No. 21
Years of construction 1889-1894, 40+1 examples, all built by Neilson, broad gauge express locomotive with tender, type 4-4-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class A2, gauge: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1889-1894, 40+1 Exemplare, alle gebaut von Neilson, Breitspur-Schnellzuglokomotive mit Schlepptender, Bauart 4-4-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse A2, Spurweite: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E652 3982, Rete Adriatica (RA) 4569
Built 1887-1890, 72 units, freight locomotive, wheel arrangement 0-8-0 (British) or 0-4-0 (Italian), Dn2 (UIC), class (Gruppo) RA 450 II
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1890, 72 Exemplare, Güterzuglokomotive, Achsfolge 0-8-0 (britisch) bzw 0-4-0 (italienisch), Dn2 (UIC), Klasse (Gruppo) RA 450 II
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E654 3996, Glasgow Corp. Gas (GCG) 3
0-4-0ST Saddle tank works locomotive for the municipal gas works in Glasgow, external drive with internal control, powerful central buffers. Interesting the elaborate city coat of arms with the motto "Let Glasgow Flourish".
Caption (German)
0-4-0ST Satteltank-Werklokomotive für die städtischen Gaswerke in Glasgow, Aussenantrieb mit Innensteuerung, kräftige Zentralpuffer. Interessant das aufwändige Stadtwappen mit dem Leitspruch "Let Glasgow Flourish"
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 4004, Hodbarrow Hämatit (Roteisenerz) Minen bei Millom, Cumbria 6
Built in 1890, crane locomotives are a special design within shunting locomotives to be able to lift loads and move them locally at the same time; 0-4-0CT wheel arrangement, discarded in the early 1970s; preserved but not open to the public in 2019.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1890, Kranlokomotiven sind eine Sonderbauform innerhalb der Rangierlokomotiven um Lasten anheben und gleichzeitig örtlich verschieben zu können; Achsfolge 0-4-0CT, Ausrangierung Anfang 1970er; erhalten, aber 2019 nicht öffentlich zugänglich
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, gauge 4'-8 1/2''
Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, 0-6-2T tender locomotive for mixed service, UIC: C1' n2, typical inside drive with inside control according to Stephenson, 55 examples built in 1889/90 by different manufacturers - very similar machines (another 129 pieces) followed from 1892 onwards
Caption (German)
Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, 0-6-2T Tenderlok für gemischten Betrieb, UIC: C1' n2, typischer Innenantrieb mit Innensteuerung nach Stephenson, 55 Exemplare in den Jahren 1889/90 von verschiedenen Herstellern erbaut - sehr ähnliche Maschinen (weitere 129 Stück) folgten ab 1892
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E669 4189, Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 663
Built 1891, 25 units, Parker/Pollitt design, 0-6-0 freight locomotive, class 9B for freight and esp. coal traffic, atypical Joy interior control, discarded 1930-1936
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 25 Exemplare, Design Parker/Pollitt, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive, Klasse 9B für Güter- und insb. Kohleverkehr, atypische Joy-Innensteuerung, Ausrangierung 1930-1936
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E676 4291, Ferro Carril Costa Rica 26
Year of manufacture 1890, 3 copies, No. 26-28, Neilson 4291-4293
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1890, 3 Exemplare, Nr. 26–28, Neilson 4291–4293
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E682 4355, Metropolitan Railway (MR) 70
Built in 1891, C class, 0-4-4T (based on SER Q class), discarded in 1923. Metropolitan Railway is a predecessor company of the later "Metropolitan Line" of the London Underground network.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, C class, 0-4-4T (based on SER Q class), Ausrangierung 1923. Metropolitan Railway ist eine Vorläufergesellschaft der nachmaligen "Metropolitan Line" des Londoner Untergrundbahn-Netzes
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 3780, North British Railway (NBR) 690
15 of 168 built by Neilson in 1891. Subsequently as 5243 to LNER and later as 65243 Maude to BR. Preserved by Scottish Railway Preservation Society at Bo'ness & Kinneil Railway.
Caption (German)
15 von 168 Exemplaren gebaut von Neilson im Jahre 1891. Nachher als 5243 zu LNER und später als 65243 Maude zu BR. Erhalten durch Scottish Railway Preservation Society bei Bo’ness & Kinneil Railway
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E695, 4444, Gas Light and Coke Company (GLCC), Beckton Gas Works No. 1
Built in 1892, 0-4-0T factory locomotive, wet steam two-cylinder design with external cylinders and internal controls. Coupling chains between oversized buffers, open cab.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1892, 0-4-0T Werkslokomotive, Bauart Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung. Kupplungsketten zwischen übergrossen Puffern, offener Führerstand
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E687 4405, Great Northern Railway (GNR) 918
Years of construction 1874-1892, 95 units, design: Patrick Stirling, saddle tank locomotive, type: 0-6-0ST, wet steam two-cylinder with internal cylinder. Dome-less boiler, class 494, later J15 . Discarded most of the machines 1919-1930, one locomotive survived until 1948.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1892, 95 Exemplare, Design: Patrick Stirling, Satteltanklok, Bauart: 0-6-0ST, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innenzylinder. Domloser Kessel, Klasse 494, später J15 . Ausrangierung der meisten Maschinen 1919-1930, eine Lok überlebte bis 1948.
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E689 4409, Nederlandsche Centraal Spoorweg (NCS) 21
8 examples, 4-4-0 express locomotive, 2'B, discarded 1935-1939
Caption (German)
8 Exemplare, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, 2'B, Ausrangierungen 1935-1939
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E692 4426, Piraeus Larissa Railway 301
Year of manufacture 1892, Neilson & Co., 2 copies (No. 301-302)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1892, Neilson & Co., 2 Exemplare (Nr. 301-302)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E693 4428, Highland Railway 89 "Sir George"
Highland Railway, 4-4-0 , "Strath class" express locomotive, David Jones design. 12 built by Neilson in 1892. This is No. 89, which later became No. 14271 on the LMS and ran until 1930.
Caption (German)
Highland Railway, 4-4-0 , "Strath class" Schnelllzugslokomotive, Design David Jones. 12 Stück von Neilson 1892 erbaut. Vorliegend die Nr. 89, diese wurde später bei der LMS zur Nummer 14271 und verkehrte bis 1930
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E694 4441, Indien, Bengal Doars Railway (BDR) 1
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E695, 4444, Gas Light and Coke Company (GLCC), Beckton Gas Works No. 1
Built in 1892, 0-4-0T factory locomotive, wet steam two-cylinder design with external cylinders and internal controls. Coupling chains between oversized buffers, open cab.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1892, 0-4-0T Werkslokomotive, Bauart Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung. Kupplungsketten zwischen übergrossen Puffern, offener Führerstand
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E696 4455, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 340
Years of construction 1892-1893, 38 units, design H.M. Beatty, 4-8-0 two-cylinder wet steam locomotive for heavy freight service, class 7, B/n 4465/189
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1892-1893, 38 Exemplare, Design H.M. Beatty, 4-8-0 Zweizylinder Nassdampflokomotive für schweren Güterverkehr, class 7, B/n 4465/189
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, bogie passenger engine, 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 8 wheels
4-4-0 general purpose locomotive for meter gauge. Cowcatcher, large headlight and tender superstructure for wood refer to use overseas.
Caption (German)
4-4-0 Allzwecklokomotive für Meterspur. Kuhfänger, grosser Scheinwerfer und Tenderaufbau für Holz verweisen auf Einsatz in Uebersee
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, London & South Western Railway (LSWR) 636
Years of construction 1887-1894, 90 copies, designer William Adams, discarded 1948
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1894, 90 Exemplare, Designer William Adams, Ausrangierung 1948
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Great North of Scotland Railway (GNSR) 81
Year of construction 1893, 6 units, design James Johnson, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class S, classic British interior drive with interior control, out of service since 1946
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1893, 6 Exemplare, Design James Johnson, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class S, klassisch britischer Innenantrieb mit Innensteuerung, ab 1946 ausser Betrieb
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, bogie goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 4742, Dänische Staatsbahnen (DSB) 501
Prototype built in 1894, external drive with external Stephenson control, further built as type K up to 100 units, distributed among various manufacturers. The present prototype remained active until 1955
Caption (German)
Prototyp erbaut 1894, Aussenantrieb mit aussen liegender Stephenson-Steuerung, als Typ K bis auf 100 Stück weitergebaut, verteilt auf verschiedenste Hersteller. Der vorliegende Prototyp blieb bis 1955 aktiv
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E736, 4792 , Assam-Bengal Railway (ABR) 33
Years of construction 1874-1922, loco. No. 33 built in 1895, various factories, over 1000 examples, ABR class F - C n2; 1000 mm, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger), 1945 to Burma Railway (BR) No. 546
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, Lok. Nr. 33 Baujahr 1895, verschiedene Fabriken, über 1000 Exempare, ABR class F - C n2; 1000 mm, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr), 1945 zu Burma Railway (BR) Nr. 546
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E747 4884, Great North of Scotland Railway (GNSR) 100
Buajhre 1895-1898, 26 examples, design William Pickersgill, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class T, discarded as of 1946
Caption (German)
Buajhre 1895-1898, 26 Exemplare, Design William Pickersgill, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class T, Ausrangierungen ab 1946
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 264
Built 1895, 34 examples, shunting locomotives with dumb buffers, also known as Caledonian Pug
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1895, 34 Exemplare, Rangierlokomotiven mit Dumb Buffers, auch als Caledonian Pug bezeichnet
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, passenger engine, 3'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 4906, Burma Railways 141
C-class ("F" on the manufacturer's plate is wrong), axle arrangement 4-4-4T
Caption (German)
C-class ("F" auf dem Herstellerschild ist falsch), Achsfolge 4-4-4T
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E757, 4932, Western Australian Government Railways (WAGR) 74
Years of construction 1896-1898, 36 copies, O class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1896-1898, 36 Exemlare, O Klasse
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 5043, Western Australian Government Railways 104
years of construction 1893-1898, 24 copies, K-class, discarded 1964
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1893-1898, 24 Exemplare, K-Klasse, Ausrangierungen 1964
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, E346 (1400-1405), Grand Trunk Railway (GRR) 4-4-0
Built 1868, 6 examples, Nos. 256-261, 4-4-0 wet steam two-cylinder externally powered and internally controlled, 5'-6'' (1676 mm) broad gauge, discarded by GTR 1897-1903, with 4 engines sold to other railroads . Built for broad gauge, 1874-75 rebuilt for standard gauge.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1868, 6 Exemplare, Nr. 256-261, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Breitspur 5'-6'' (1676 mm), Ausrangierung bei GTR 1897-1903, wobei 4 Maschinen an andere Bahnen verkauft wurde . Gebaut für Breitspur, 1874-75 Umbau auf Normalspur
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, contractor's tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company, Glasgow 2001, Midland Railway (MR) 1102 class, No. 1115
Year of manufacture 1875
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1875
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 128
Year of construction 1877, single piece, design George Brittain, 4-4-0 express locomotive
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1877, Einzelstück, Design George Brittain, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow no. 678
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 3468, New Zealand Railways 203
Year of construction 1886, 2 units, steep line locomotive H 204 according to Fell system, class H
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1886, 2 Exemplare, Steilstreckenlokomotive H 204 nach System Fell, Klasse H
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Rimatuka Incline
0-4-2T locomotive for the extremely rarely used Fell system for increasing adhesion: center rail with laterally acting additional driving wheels. This method existed only as steam propulsion. There were three such lines in NZ, in Europe the Fell line on the Puy de Dome near Clermond-Ferrand (1907-26) is remembered
Caption (German)
0-4-2T Lokomotive für das äusserst selten angewandte System Fell zur Erhöhung der Adhäsion: Mittelschiene mit seitlich wirkenden Zusatz-Triebrädern. Dieses Verfahren gab es nur als Dampfantrieb. In NZ gab es drei solche Strecken, in Europa bleibt die Fell-Bahn auf den Puy de Dome bei Clermond-Ferrand (1907-26) in Erinnerung
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, India State Railway (ISR)
Year of construction 1888, engine with external drive and internal control for heavy traffic, wheel arrangement 4-6-0, coupled goods engine, 5'-6" gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1888, Maschine mit Aussenantrieb und innen liegender Steuerung für schweren Verkehr, Achsfolge 4-6-0, coupled goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, Caledonian Railway (CR) 123
Built in 1886, one of a kind, designed by Dugold Drummond, 4-2-2 express locomotive. Won a gold medal at the Edinburgh International Exhibition in 1886. In service until 1935, was preserved and remains today as an operable historic locomotive
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1886, Einzelstück, Design Dugold Drummond, 4-2-2 Expresszuglokomotive. Gewann an der Edinburgh International Exhibition 1886 eine Goldmedaille. Bis 1935 in Betrieb, wurde aufbewahrt und ist heute als betriebsfähige historische Lokomotive weiterhin vorhanden
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E602 3585, Girvan & Portpatrick Junction Railway (C&PJnR) 5
0-6-0 all-purpose locomotive of typical British design with internal drive and internal control, which was ordered by the small and always financially very tight Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway on the Scottish west coast, but was delivered directly to the successor company Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway. This company was also absorbed into the G&SWR (Glasgow and South Western Railway) after a short time. Apparently, there were only two such locomotives, the remaining locomotive fleet (a few pieces) seems to have been leased
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive typisch britischer Machart mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, welche zwar von der kleinen und finanziell immer sehr klammen Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway an der schottischen Westküste geordert wurde, aber direkt an die Nachfolgegesellschaft Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway geliefert wurde. Auch diese Gesellschaft ging nach kurzer Zeit in der G&SWR auf (Glasgow and South Western Railway). Offenbar gab es nur zwei solcher Maschinen, der übrige Lokomotivpark (wenige Stück) scheint gemietet gewesen zu sein
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, mètre 3'-3 3/8'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, mineral tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, 3'-3 3/8'' gauge
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E615 3647, Argentinien, Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway (BAGS) 29[?]
Year of construction 1887, class 3B, broad gauge 1676 mm. 0-4-0ST, wet steam semitrailer tank locomotive with outside cylinders and inside control, semitrailer tank tender locomotive for shunting or light branch line services, axle arrangement 0-4-0ST
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, Klasse 3B, Breitspur 1676 mm. 0-4-0ST, Nassdampf-Satteltanklok mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Satteltank-Tenderlokomotive für Rangier- oder leichte Nebenliniendienste, Achsfolge 0-4-0ST
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E618 3695, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR), heavy L class, 27
Built in 1887, 4 units (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, broad gauge (1676mm) freight locomotive, compound version of the twin locomotives class Heavy L (56 units). Type 4-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder compound. Class Heavy L, from 1891 Class A. Converted to twin operation approx. 1901-1902.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, 4 Exemplare (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, Breitspur (1676mm) Güterzugslok, Verbundvariante der Zwillingsloks Klasse Heavy L (56 Exemplare). Bauart 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbund. Klasse Heavy L, ab 1891 Klasse A. Ca. 1901-1902 umgebaut auf Zwillingsbetrieb
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, tank engine, 4'-8 1/2'' gauge
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow, goods engine, 5'-6'' gauge, tender on 6 wheels
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E513, Caledonian Railway 159, class 152, 2-4-2T
Built in 1880, 15 examples under Chief Mechanical Engineer George Brittain, tender locomotive for lighter suburban and branch line service, discarded as of 1920
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1880, 15 Exemplare unter Chief Mechanical Engineer George Brittain, Tenderlok für leichteren Vororts- und Nebenlinienverkehr, Ausrangierungen ab 1920
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E515 2583, Indian State Railways (ISR) class A
Years of construction 1875 to 1900, small narrow gauge locomotive for overseas, the central coupling and the headlight are clear indications, wheel arrangement 2-4-0T. The painting, respectively the kind of the decorative stripes point strongly to New Zealand
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1872-1880, 36 Exemplare in 4 Losen von 3 verschiedenen Herstellern, Meterspur-Tenderlokomotive für Indien, erste Loktype der ISR, Bauart 2-4-0T, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenrahmen, Aussenzylindern und innenliegender Stephenson-Steuerung, Klasse A, Ausrangierungen bis etwa Mitte 1930er Jahre
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E516 2587, Imperial Brazilian Natal & Nova Crux Railway (N&NCR) 3 "Lobato"
Metre gauge, wet steam engine with external frame and external drive via cranks, wheel arrangement: 4-6-0 (UIC 2'C), the prominent spark arrestor chimney indicates wood firing
Caption (German)
Meterspur, Nassdampfmaschine mit Aussenrahmen und Aussenantrieb über Kurbeln, Achsfolge: 4-6-0 (UIC 2'C), der prominente Funkenfänger-Kamin deutet auf Holzfeuerung hin
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E517 2597, North Thames Gas Board 12
40 examples, works locomotive for a large gas works located east of London on the Thames with an internal track network of about 70 miles or over 100 km, 2-4-0T wheel arrangement
Caption (German)
40 Exemplare, Werklokomotive für ein grosses, östlich von London an der Themse gelegenes Gaswerk mit einem internen Geleisenetz von rund 70 Meilen oder über 100 km, Achsfolge 2-4-0T
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E519 2599, Indian State Railway (ISR)
Year of construction 1880, 4-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal control, most likely narrow gauge
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1880, 4-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, höchstwahrscheinlich Schmalspur
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E521 2649, Maryport & Carlisle Railway (M&CR)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E522 2675, Midland Railway 1527
Year of construction 1891, 60 units, design Samuel Johnson, 2-4-0 express locomotive Class 1400, from 1925 gradually out of service
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 60 Exemplare, Design Samuel Johnson, 2-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive Class 1400, ab 1925 schrittweise ausser Dienst
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E522 2675, Midland Railway 1527
Year of construction 1891, 60 units, design Samuel Johnson, 2-4-0 express locomotive Class 1400, from 1925 gradually out of service
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 60 Exemplare, Design Samuel Johnson, 2-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive Class 1400, ab 1925 schrittweise ausser Dienst
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E525, South Eastern Railway 308, Q-class, Achsfolge 4-4-0T
Design: James Stirling, built 1881-1897, 118 units. Between 1902 and 1919, Harry Wainwright converted about half of the stock to the slightly modernized version "Q1", after individual locomotives of the original series had already left the stock in 1907. By 1929, both subseries had disappeared from the rails.
Caption (German)
Entwurf: James Stirling, Baujahre 1881-1897, 118 Exemplare. Zwischen 1902 und 1919 baute Harry Wainwright etwa die Hälfte des Bestandes zur leicht modernisierten Variante "Q1" um, nachdem schon 1907 einzelne Loks der Ursprungsserie aus dem Bestand geschieden waren. Im Jahre 1929 waren beide Unterserien von den Schienen verschwunden
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E526 2701, Caledonian Railway (CR) 490, class 486
6 copies. The few machines that were still employed by the LMS after 1922 were classified in strength class 1F, which was just sufficient for running small freight trains on branch lines and for light shunting service.
Caption (German)
6 Exemplare. Die wenigen Maschinen, die nach 1922 noch bei der LMS Beschäftigung fanden, wurden in die Stärkeklasse 1F eingereiht, was gerade für die Führung von kleinen Güterzügen auf Nebenlinien und für leichten Rangierdienst ausreichte
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E 535 2791, Indian State Railway (ISR), N class
Narrow gauge, compactly built wet steam locomotive with external frame and drive via cranks, 2-6-0 wheel arrangement
Caption (German)
Schmalspurige, kompakt gebaute Nassdampflokomotive mit Aussenrahmen und Antrieb über Kurbeln, Achsfolge 2-6-0
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E536 2798, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 116
Year of construction 1882, 11 units, suburban tender locomotive, class 2, gauge 1067mm, wheel arrangement 4-4-0T, nicknamed "Wynberg tanks", discarded until 1916
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1882, 11 Exemplare, Vororts-Tenderlokomotive, Klasse 2, Spurweite 1067mm, Achsfolge 4-4-0T, Spitznamen "Wynberg tanks", Ausrangierung bis 1916
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E536 2798, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 116
Year of construction 1882, 11 units, suburban tender locomotive, class 2, gauge 1067mm, wheel arrangement 4-4-0T, nicknamed "Wynberg tanks", discarded until 1916
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1882, 11 Exemplare, Vororts-Tenderlokomotive, Klasse 2, Spurweite 1067mm, Achsfolge 4-4-0T, Spitznamen "Wynberg tanks", Ausrangierung bis 1916
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E538, Chemins de fer de l'Ouest (OUEST) 678
70 units, express locomotive with french. Axle arrangement 120, external frame, internal cylinder, externally located control system according to Stephenson, decommissioned 1933
Caption (German)
70 Exemplare, Schnellzugslokomotive mit franz. Achsfolge 120, Aussenrahmen, Innenzylinder, aussen gelegene Steuerung nach Stephenson, Ausmusterungen 1933
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E538, Chemins de fer de l'Ouest (OUEST) 678
Years of construction 1881-1185, express locomotive, series 636-706, external frame with internal drive and external control according to Stephenson, with wheel arrangement (French) 120, the locomotives were converted to wheel arrangement (French) 220 before the turn of the century and ran like this until around 1930.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1881-1185, Schnellzugslokomotive, Serie 636-706, Aussenrahmen mit Innenantrieb und äusserer Steuerung nach Stephenson, mit Achsfolge (frz.) 120, Die Maschinen wurden noch vor der Jahrhundertwende auf die Achsfolge (frz.) 220 umgebaut und liefen so bis gegen 1930
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E539 2823, Chemins de Fer du Midi 93
Years of construction 1878-1882, 45 examples (20 of which were built by Neilson), 2-4-0 (Whyte system) or 120 (French) or 1B n2 (UIC) express locomotive, Série 51-95, wet steam two-cylinder, external drive with external Stephenson control, highly conspicuous guidance of supply and exhaust steam and internal frame of the asymmetrical tender axles, discarded 1919-1929
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1878-1882, 45 Exemplare (davon 20 von Neilson), 2-4-0 (System Whyte) bzw. 120 (französisch) oder 1B n2 (UIC) Schnellzugslokomotive, Série 51-95, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder, Aussenantrieb mit aussen liegender Stephenson-Steuerung, höchst auffällige Führung von Zu- und Abdampf und Innenrahmen der assymetrischen Tenderachsen, Ausrangierung 1919-1929
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E539 2823, Chemins de Fer du Midi 93
Years of construction 1878-1882, 45 examples (20 of which were built by Neilson), 2-4-0 (Whyte system) or 120 (French) or 1B n2 (UIC) express locomotive, Série 51-95, wet steam two-cylinder, external drive with external Stephenson control, highly conspicuous guidance of supply and exhaust steam and internal frame of the asymmetrical tender axles, discarded 1919-1929
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1878-1882, 45 Exemplare (davon 20 von Neilson), 2-4-0 (System Whyte) bzw. 120 (französisch) oder 1B n2 (UIC) Schnellzugslokomotive, Série 51-95, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder, Aussenantrieb mit aussen liegender Stephenson-Steuerung, höchst auffällige Führung von Zu- und Abdampf und Innenrahmen der assymetrischen Tenderachsen, Ausrangierung 1919-1929
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E540 2826, Queensland Land & Coal Company "Lionel"
Year of manufacture 1881
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1881
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E541 2828, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 118
years of construction 1880-1884, 92 copies, 4th class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1880-1884, 92 Exemplare, 4th class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E541 2828, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 118/106
years of construction 1880-1884, 92 copies, 4th class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1880-1884, 92 Exemplare, 4th class
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E542 2854, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E542 2854, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E543 2859, Indian State Railway (ISR) Irrawddy Valley State Railway, F class
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E544 2872, Mexican Railway
Relatively rare case of a Stephenson control, axis sequence 4-6-0
Caption (German)
Relativ seltener Fall einer Stephenson-Steuerung, Achsfolge 4-6-0
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E545 2875, Ferrocarril Mexicano 45
"Fairlie": longitudinally symmetrical double steam locomotive of bogie design
Caption (German)
"Fairlie": längssymmetrische Doppel-Dampflokomotive in Drehgestell-Bauart
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E545 2875, Ferrocarril Mexicano 45
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E546 2896, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway (L&YR) 832
Years of construction 1880-1886, 88 units, design William Barton Wright, 4-4-0 express locomotive, Class 629, interior drive, interior control
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1880-1886, 88 Exemplare, Design William Barton Wright, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, Class 629, Innenantrieb, Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E548 2931, Cape Government Railway 180
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E548 2931, Cape Government Railway 180
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E550 2937, Fa. William Baird & Co. 11 "Alfred Paget"
Built 1882, to Messrs. William Baird & Co. for Bedlay coal mine near Glenboig, near Glasgow, discarded 1968, preserved by museum, 2019 at Chasewater Railway
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1882, an Fa. William Baird & Co. für die Kohlenzeche Bedlay bei Glenboig, in der Nähe von Glasgow, Ausrangierung 1968, museal erhalten, 2019 bei Chasewater Railway
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E551, London Brighton & South Cost Railway (LB&SCR), class D1, 0-4-2, 256 "Stanford"
Design: Wiliam Stroudley. This locomotive for light passenger service was deliberately kept short (as was the case with most locomotives of this railroad) - this because the turntables did not permit a longer axle base. 125 units of this class were built, 90 of which were built in the railroad's own workshops in Brighton, 35 were built by Neilson & Co in Glasgow, including the pictured locomotive "Stanford", No. 256. This locomotive was put into service in March 1882 and lasted until December 1933.
Caption (German)
Entwurf: Wiliam Stroudley. Diese Maschine für den leichteren Personenverkehr war bewusst kurz gehalten (wie bei den meisten Loks dieser Bahn) – dies weil die Drehscheiben keinen längeren Achsstand erlaubten. Es wurden 125 Stück dieser Baureihe gebaut, wovon 90 Stück in den bahneigenen Werkstätten in Brighton, 35 liess man auswärts bei Neilson & Co in Glasgow produzieren, worunter auch die abgebildete Maschine "Stanford", Nr. 256. Diese Lok wurde im März 1882 in Betrieb gesetzt und überdauerte bis zum Dezember 1933
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E556 2974, Glasgow & South Western Railway (G&SWR) 223 Class
Between 1881 and 1892, a total of 64 such machines were built
Caption (German)
Zwischen 1881 und 1892 entstanden insgesamt 64 solcher Maschinen
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E556, 0-6-0T, Glasgow & South Western Railway (G&SWR), 223 Class
Almost certainly this is the freight locomotive designed by James Stirling, 64 engines were built between 1881 and 1892 in the railroad's own workshops at Kilmanrock and is likely to have survived until shortly after WW1
Caption (German)
Ziemlich sicher handelt es sich hier um die von James Stirling konzipierte Güterzuglok, 64 Maschinen wurden zwischen 1881 und 1892 in den bahneigenen Werkstätten von Kilmanrock gebaut und dürfte bis kurz nach dem 1. Weltkrieg überdauert haben
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E583 3293, East Indian Railway (EIR) class C, no. 618
Years of construction 1877-1886, 195 examples in several lots from 4 British manufacturers, broad gauge locomotive (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) for freight trains, type: 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class C
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1877-1886, 195 Exemplare in mehreren Losen von 4 britischen Herstellern, Breitspurlok (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) für Güterzüge, Bauart: 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E559, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway (L&YR) 842
years of construction 1880-1886, 104 copies, design: W. W. Barton, various manufacturers
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1880-1886, 104 Exemplare, Design: W. W. Barton, verschiedene Hersteller
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E559, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway (L&YR) 842
years of construction 1880-1886, 104 copies, design: W. W. Barton, various manufacturers
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1880-1886, 104 Exemplare, Design: W. W. Barton, verschiedene Hersteller
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E560 3043, Indian State Railway (ISR), O class
Narrow-gauge wet steam locomotive with external frame, external drive and internal control, axle foil 4-4-0. The tender superstructure indicates wood firing, although the chimney has no spark arrestor device.
Caption (German)
Schmalspur-Nassdampflokomotive mit Aussenrahmen, Aussenantrieb und innen liegender Steuerung, Achsfole 4-4-0. Der Tenderaufbau deutet auf Holzfeuerung, obschon der Kamin keine Funkenfängereinrichtung hat
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E598 3487, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 88
Built 1884-1891, 28 units (first 10 by Neilson 1884, remaining CR St. Rollox Works in 3 lots, 1885, 1889 and 1891), design: Dugald Drummond, 4-4-0 wet-steam two-cylinder locomotive with internal power unit for express trains, class 66. 18 units still came to LMS in 1923, the last two were discarded in 1930.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1884-1891, 28 Exemplare (erste 10 von Neilson 1884, übrige CR St. Rollox Works in 3 Losen, 1885, 1889 und 1891), Design: Dugald Drummond, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder Lok mit Innentriebwerk für Schnellzüge, Klasse 66. 18 Maschinen gelangten 1923 noch zur LMS, die letzten beiden wurden 1930 ausrangiert
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E563 3071, M 79
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E563, Cape Government Railway, No. M 79
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Neilson and Company Glasgow, E574 3197, London & South Western Railway (LSWR) 467
Built 1884, 21 examples, design: Willian Adams, 4-4-0 wet steam two-cylinder locomotive with outside cylinders and inside control for express trains. Discarded 1924-1929
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1884, 21 Exemplare, Design: Willian Adams, 4-4-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder Lok mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung für Schnellzüge. Ausrangierung 1924-1929
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E575 3207, 486
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Neilson and Company Glasgow E577, Ferrocarril Central Argentino Railway (FCCA) 33 "East"
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Neilson and Company Glasgow E578, 3245, Indian State Railway (ISR), H class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E580, 0-6-0, Caledonian Railway (CR) 689
Standard freight train engine, overall design Dubald Drummond, years of construction 1883-1897, out of service as of 1961
Caption (German)
Standardmässige Güterzugsmaschine, Gesamtentwurf Dubald Drummond, Baujahre 1883-1897, ab 1961 ausser Dienst
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E583 3293, East Indian Railway (EIR) class C, no. 110
Built 1877-1886, 195 units in several lots from 4 British manufacturers, broad gauge locomotive (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) for freight trains, type: 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal engine, class C
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1877-1886, 195 Exemplare in mehreren Losen von 4 britischen Herstellern, Breitspurlok (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) für Güterzüge, Bauart: 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E583 3293, East Indian Railway (EIR) class C, no. 110
Built 1877-1886, 195 units in several lots from 4 British manufacturers, broad gauge locomotive (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) for freight trains, type: 0-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder with internal engine, class C
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1877-1886, 195 Exemplare in mehreren Losen von 4 britischen Herstellern, Breitspurlok (5 ft 6 in, 1676 mm) für Güterzüge, Bauart: 0-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse C
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E584, 3339, Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) V39 class (616), radial tank engine, 5'-6'' gauge
Year of construction 1885, 22 units (GIPR 600-621), all built by Neilson, serial nos. 3323-3344, broad gauge tank locomotive for suburban traffic in Bombay, gauge 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Design: 0-6-2T, wet steam two-cylinder with slightly inclined external cylinders and internal controls, class V39, later V1, type tends to be a machine for suburban passenger services
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1885, 22 Exemplare (GIPR 600-621), alle gebaut von Neilson, Fabrik-Nrn. 3323-3344, Breitspur-Tenderlokomotive für den Vorortsverkehr von Bombay, Spurweite 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Bauart: 0-6-2T, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit leicht schräg liegenden Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Klasse V39, später V1, vom Typ her tendenziell eine Maschine für Personen-Vorortsverkehr
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E587 3375, Indian State Railway (ISR), L class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E588 3395, London & South Western Railway (LSWR) 515
Years of construction 1881-1886, 70 units, designer William Adams, freight locomotive class 395, wheel arrangement 0-6-0, discarded as of 1933
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1881-1886, 70 Exemplare, Designer William Adams, Güterzuglokomotive Klasse 395, Achsfolge 0-6-0, Ausrangierungen ab 1933
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E591 3445, Ferrocarril Central Argentino Railway (FCCA) 49 "La Plata"
Year of manufacture: 1885
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1885
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E597 3468
Year of manufacture: 1886, tank locomotive with 0-4-2T axle arrangement for the Fell system, which includes an auxiliary drive (and auxiliary brake) on a center track
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1886, Tenderlokomotive mit Achsfolge 0-4-2T für das System Fell, welches einen Zusatzantrieb (und Zusatzbremse) auf eine Mittelschiene beinhalten
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E597, Rahmen und Triebwerke (aussen und innen) plus Wasserkasten einseitig der Lokomotive nach System Fell für Neuseeland
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E597, Rahmen und Triebwerke (aussen und innen) plus Wasserkasten einseitig der Lokomotive nach System Fell für Neuseeland
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E598, no. 3487, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 88
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 units virtually unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), 0-6-0 axle arrangement, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger traffic)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E598 3487, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 88
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E598 3487, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 88
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E599, Indian State Railway (ISR), heavy L class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E599 3535, Indian State Railway (ISR), heavy L class
4-6-0 general purpose locomotive for meter gauge
Caption (German)
4-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive für Meterspur
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E600 3553, Caledonian Railway (CR) 123
Built in 1886, one-off locomotive built for the International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art in Edinburgh and promptly won a gold medal there, designed by Dugald Drummond, 4-2-2 express locomotive with a single driving axle ("single"), in service until 1935, today on display in the Glasgow Museum of Transport in its brilliant "Caledonian Blue" paint scheme
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1886, Einzelstück für die in Edinburgh stattfindende International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art hergestellt und gewann dort prompt eine Goldmedaille, Design Dugald Drummond, 4-2-2 Schnellzugslok mit einer einzigen Triebachse ("single"), bis 1935 im Dienst, heute im Glasgow Museum of Transport in ihrem brillanten "Caledonian-Blue"-Anstrich zu bestaunen
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E601 3569, Indian State Railway (ISR)
O Class, 4-4-0 passenger and express locomotive for meter gauge. External drive via cranks. Interior control
Caption (German)
O Class, 4-4-0 Personen- und Schnelllzugslokomotive für Meterspur. Aussenantrieb über Kurbeln. Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E602 3585, Girvan & Portpatrick Junction Railway (C&PJnR) 5
0-6-0 all-purpose locomotive of typical British design with internal drive and internal control, which was ordered by the small and always financially very tight Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway on the Scottish west coast, but was delivered directly to the successor company Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway. This company was also absorbed into the G&SWR (Glasgow and South Western Railway) after a short time. Apparently, there were only two such locomotives, the remaining locomotive fleet (a few pieces) seems to have been leased
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive typisch britischer Machart mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, welche zwar von der kleinen und finanziell immer sehr klammen Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway an der schottischen Westküste geordert wurde, aber direkt an die Nachfolgegesellschaft Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway geliefert wurde. Auch diese Gesellschaft ging nach kurzer Zeit in der G&SWR auf (Glasgow and South Western Railway). Offenbar gab es nur zwei solcher Maschinen, der übrige Lokomotivpark (wenige Stück) scheint gemietet gewesen zu sein
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E602 3585, Girvan & Portpatrick Junction Railway (C&PJnR) 5
0-6-0 all-purpose locomotive of typical British design with internal drive and internal control, which was ordered by the small and always financially very tight Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway on the Scottish west coast, but was delivered directly to the successor company Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway. This company was also absorbed into the G&SWR (Glasgow and South Western Railway) after a short time. Apparently there were only two such machines, the rest of the locomotive fleet (a few pieces) seems to have been hired. The large wheel diameter of the "six wheeler" in continental eyes underlines its rather universal usability.
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive typisch britischer Machart mit Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, welche zwar von der kleinen und finanziell immer sehr klammen Girvan & Portpatrick Joint Railway an der schottischen Westküste geordert wurde, aber direkt an die Nachfolgegesellschaft Ayrshire ans Wigtownshire Railway geliefert wurde. Auch diese Gesellschaft ging nach kurzer Zeit in der G&SWR auf (Glasgow and South Western Railway). Offenbar gab es nur zwei solcher Maschinen, der übrige Lokomotivpark (wenige Stück) scheint gemietet gewesen zu sein. Der in kontinentalen Augen grosse Raddurchmesser des "six wheeler"s unterstreicht dessen recht universelle Verwendbarkeit
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E603 3596, Bengal and North-Western Railway (B&NWR), F class, 26
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E603 3596, Bengal and North-Western Railway (B&NWR), F class, 26
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E606 3612, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E604 3606, Bengal Central Railway (BCR) 21
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 units virtually unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), 0-6-0 axle arrangement, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger traffic)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E604 3606, Bengal Central Railway (BCR) 21
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 units virtually unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), 0-6-0 axle arrangement, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger traffic)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E607 3616, Glasgow & Paisley Joint Railway 1
This small tender locomotive combines two contrasting elements (at least in that era): the typical British saddle tank and the more continental drive with external cylinders. Built in 1887, locomotive No. 1 of the Glasgow and Paisley Joint Railway was used as a shunting locomotive at the Paisley Greenlaw Goods Depot. It joined the Glasgow and South Western Railway (G&SWR) in 1913 and was given No. 736 there from 1919. It was withdrawn from service and later scrapped in 1924, just under a year after the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) took over the G&SWR.
Caption (German)
Bei dieser kleinen Tenderlok vereinen sich zwei (mindestens in jener Epoche) konträre Elemente: der typisch britische Satteltank und der eher kontinentale Antrieb mit Aussenylindern. Die 1887 gebaute Lokomotive No. 1 der Glasgow and Paisley Joint Railway wurde als Rangierlok im Paisley Greenlaw Goods Depot eingesetzt. Sie kam 1913 zur Glasgow and South Western Railway (G&SWR) und erhielt dort ab 1919 die No. 736. Sie wurde 1924, knapp ein Jahr nach der Übernahme der G&SWR durch die London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS), außer Dienst gestellt und später verschrottet
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E609 3624, Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway (O&RR) 151
Built in 1887, 10 examples (Nos. 146-155), all built by Neilson (E609, 3619-3628), broad gauge trailing tender locomotive (gauge 5 ft 6 in = 1676 mm), type 2-6-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class F, discard of the whole series before 1925
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, 10 Exemplare (Nrn. 146-155), alle gebaut von Neilson (E609, 3619-3628), Breitspur-Schlepptenderlok (Spurweite 5 ft 6 in = 1676 mm), Bauart 2-6-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse F, Ausrangierung der ganzen Serie vor 1925
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E609 3624, Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway (O&RR) 151
Built in 1887, 10 examples (Nos. 146-155), all built by Neilson (E609, 3619-3628), broad gauge trailing tender locomotive (gauge 5 ft 6 in = 1676 mm), type 2-6-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class F, discard of the whole series before 1925
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, 10 Exemplare (Nrn. 146-155), alle gebaut von Neilson (E609, 3619-3628), Breitspur-Schlepptenderlok (Spurweite 5 ft 6 in = 1676 mm), Bauart 2-6-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse F, Ausrangierung der ganzen Serie vor 1925
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E611 3630, Western Australian Government Railways 17
Year of manufacture 1887
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E612 3632, Indian State Railway (ISR), H class
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Neilson and Company Glasgow E612, Indian State Railway (ISR), H class
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Neilson and Company Glasgow E613 3642
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Neilson and Company Glasgow E614, no. 3643, Bengal and North Western Railway (BNWR) (61)
Years of construction 1887-1931, 9 units in 3 lots (4 ex. Neilson 1887, 2 ex. W. Bagnall 1907, 3 ex. W. Bagnall 1931), saddle tank tender locomotive for shunting service on the Ganges ferries at Mokameh Ghat, type 0-4-0ST wet steam two-cylinder with external cylinders and internal control, class TE, meter gauge
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1931, 9 Exemplare in 3 Losen (4 Ex. Neilson 1887, 2 Ex. W. Bagnall 1907, 3 Ex. W. Bagnall 1931), Satteltank-Tenderlokomotive für Rangierdienst an den Ganges-Fähren in Mokameh Ghat, Bauart 0-4-0ST Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Klasse TE, Meterspur
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E615 3647, Argentinien, Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway (BAGS) 29[?]
Year of construction 1887, class 3B, broad gauge 1676 mm. 0-4-0ST, wet steam semitrailer tank locomotive with outside cylinders and inside control, semitrailer tank tender locomotive for shunting or light branch line services, axle arrangement 0-4-0ST
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, Klasse 3B, Breitspur 1676 mm. 0-4-0ST, Nassdampf-Satteltanklok mit Aussenzylindern und Innensteuerung, Satteltank-Tenderlokomotive für Rangier- oder leichte Nebenliniendienste, Achsfolge 0-4-0ST
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E616 3648, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E617 3669, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR), heavy L class, 1
Years of construction 1887-1888, 56+4 examples at BNR, all built by Neilson, broad gauge (1676mm) freight locomotive, identical to Indian State Railways class L, design 4-6-0 wet steam twin (4 examples wet steam twin cylinder compound), class heavy L, class A from 1891. Retirements 1926 - early 1950s
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1888, 56+4 Exemplare bei BNR, alle gebaut von Neilson, Breitspur (1676mm) Güterzugslok, identisch mit Indian State Railways Klasse L, Bauart 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zwilling (4 Exemplare Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbund), Klasse Heavy L, ab 1891 Klasse A. Ausrangierungen 1926 - Anfang 1950er
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E619 o E623 3699, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 104
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E620 3720, C. Tennant & Co. 4
0-4-0ST factory locomotive of stocky design, saddle tank, inside drive and inside control, very short axle base
Caption (German)
0-4-0ST Werklokomotive gedrungener Bauart, Satteltank, Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, sehr kurzer Achsstand
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E622 3751, Neuseeland, Kaihu Valley Railway (KVR) 1
Years of construction 1872-1888, 88 examples, various British builders, last built class F saddle tank locomotive, gauge 1067 mm (3 ft 6 in), wheel arrangement 0-6-0ST. The locomotive shown was built in 1888 as the last Class F locomotive for the Kaihu Valley Rly. In 1893 it was sold to New Zealand Railways and given the number F 216. Sold to AFFCO in 1932, it was converted to a diesel locomotive in 1936. It has been preserved in this form, but is currently inoperable.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1872-1888, 88 Exemplare, verschiedene britischen Hersteller, letztgebaute Satteltank-Lokomotive der Klasse F, Spurweite 1067 mm (3 ft 6 in), Achsfolge 0-6-0ST. Die abgebildete Lok wurde 1888 als letzte Lok der Klasse F für die Kaihu Valley Rly gebaut. 1893 wurde sie an die New Zealand Railways verkauft und erhielt die Nummer F 216. 1932 an die Firma AFFCO verkauft, wurde sie 1936 zur Diesellok umgebaut. In dieser Form ist sie erhalten geblieben, zur Zeit aber nicht betriebsfähig
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E619 o E623 3699, Southern Mahratta Railway (SMR) 104
F class
Caption (German)
F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E625 3075, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E626 3760, North Western Railway (NWR) 201
Built in 1888, 5 examples (for NWR, Nos. 201-205, later 687-691, Neilson 3760-3764), semitrailer tank locomotive for push service at the Khojak Pass in the border area between (today's) Pakistan and Afghanistan, type: 0-8-0ST, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, driving wheel diameter 1219 mm, class TB, broad gauge 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm. Locomotive for export overseas with typical features such as cowcatcher and large headlight.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1888, 5 Exemplare (für NWR, Nrn. 201-205, später 687-691, Neilson 3760-3764), Satteltanklok für Schiebedienst am Khojak Pass im Grenzgebiet zwischen (dem heutigen) Pakistan und Afghanistan, Bauart: 0-8-0ST, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Treibraddurchmesser 1219 mm, Klasse TB, Breitspur 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm. Lokomotive für den Export nach Übersee mit den typischen Merkmalen wie Kuhfänger und grosser Scheinwerfer
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E627 3765, E. B. & M. B. R. 3
Year of construction: 1888. This peculiar 0-6-4T tender engine was a one-off, gauge 1067mm (Cape gauge).
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1888. Diese eigenartige 0-6-4T Tendermaschine war ein Einzelstück, Spurweite 1067mm (Kapspur)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E627 3765, Emu Bay and Mount Bischoff Railway (EB & MBR) 3
Year of construction: 1888. This peculiar 0-6-4T tender engine was a one-off, gauge 1067 mm (cape gauge).
Caption (German)
Baujahr: 1888. Diese eigenartige 0-6-4T Tendermaschine war ein Einzelstück, Spurweite 1067 mm (Kapspur)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E631 3788, Hockley, Hall & Whateley Colliery
0-4-0ST factory locomotive for coal mine. Saddle tank, external drive, internal control, extremely short axle base for tight curve radii.
Caption (German)
0-4-0ST Werklokomotive für Kohlenmine. Satteltank, Aussenantrieb, Innensteuerung, extrem kurzer Achsstand für enge Kurvenradien
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E633 3795, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E634 3800, Argentine North Eastern Railway (FCNEA) 1 "Alvear"
32 copies, 0-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal controls
Caption (German)
32 Exemplare, 0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E636 3843, Great Southern of Spain Railway 1 "Murcia"
25 examples, 2-6-0 general-purpose locomotive, discarded around 1970
Caption (German)
25 Exemplare, 2-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive, Ausrangierungen um 1970
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E638 4000, Argentine North Eastern Railway (FCNEA) "Yapeyu"
32 copies, 0-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal control. Wood burning.
Caption (German)
32 Exemplare, 0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung. Holzfeuerung.
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E639 3876, Cape Government Railways 27
Years of construction 1882-1891, 11 units, 2nd-class, axle arrangement 4-4-0T
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1882-1891, 11 Exemplare, 2nd-class, Achsfolge 4-4-0T
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E645 3898, Manila and Dagupan Railway "Borrecon"
Built 1889, 15 examples, 2-4-2T tank locomotive for short-haul passenger service, Class A, cylinder dimensions: 13 x 18 inches, the coble, or funnel chimney indicates wood firing
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1889, 15 Exemplare, 2-4-2T Tenderlokomotive für Kurzstrecken-Personenverkehr, Class A, Zylindermasse: 13 x 18 Zoll, der Kobel-, bzw. Trichterkamin deutet auf Holzfeuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E647 35, Egyptian Railway
Express locomotive, outer frame with internal power unit, power transmission via cranks, 2-4-0 axle arrangement. These locomotives were originally used in the Cairo-Alexandria service. Painted reddish brown, dome and safety valves in bright brass.
Caption (German)
Schnellzugslokomotive, Aussenrahmen mit Innentriebwerk, Kraftübertragung via Kurbeln, Achsfolge 2-4-0. Diese Maschinen sind ursprünglich im Verkehr Kairo-Alexandria eingesetzt worden. Anstrich rotbraun, Dom und Sicherheitsventile in Messing blank
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E648 3939, South Eastern Railway (SER), Q class, 352
Tank locomotive for light passenger and suburban service, concept: James Stirling. A total of 118 of this class were built between 1881 and 1897. Before the First World War, about half of these locomotives were slightly modernized by Harry Wainwright, after which they were considered "class Q1". In 1929, none of these locomotives, whether rebuilt or not, was in service any more
Caption (German)
Tenderlok für leichten Personen- und Vorortverkehr, Konzept: James Stirling. In den Jahren 1881-1897 wurden insgesamt 118 Stück dieser Klasse erbaut. Noch vor dem ersten Weltkrieg wurde etwa die Hälft dieser Loks von Harry Wainwright leicht modernisiert, worauf sie als "class Q1" galten. 1929 war keine dieser Maschinen, ob umgebaut oder nicht, mehr in Betrieb
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E650 3953, Chilenische Staatsbahn (EFE) Tipo 44 (Nr. 184)
Year of construction 1889, 4 examples, Nos. 181-184, broad gauge 5'-6'' (1676mm), express locomotive with interior control, class (Tipo) 44, wheel arrangement 4-4-0 (American)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1889, 4 Exemplare, Nrn. 181-184, Breitspur 5'-6'' (1676mm), Schnellzugslok mit Innensteuerung, Klasse (Tipo) 44, Achsfolge 4-4-0 (American)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E652 3982, Rete Adriatica (RA) 4569
Year of manufacture 1890, axle sequence 0-8-0, 450-class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1890, 72 Exemplare, Güterzuglokomotive, Achsfolge 0-8-0 (britisch) bzw 0-4-0 (italienisch), Dn2 (UIC), Klasse (Gruppo) RA 450 II
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E652 3982, Rete Adriatica (RA) 4569
Year of construction 1890, wheel arrangement 0-8-0, 451-class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1887-1890, 72 Exemplare, Güterzuglokomotive, Achsfolge 0-8-0 (britisch) bzw 0-4-0 (italienisch), Dn2 (UIC), Klasse (Gruppo) RA 450 II
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E654 3996, Glasgow Corp. Gas (GCG) 3
0-4-0ST Saddle tank works locomotive for the municipal gas works in Glasgow, external drive with internal control, powerful central buffers. Interesting the elaborate city coat of arms with the motto "Let Glasgow Flourish".
Caption (German)
0-4-0ST Satteltank-Werklokomotive für die städtischen Gaswerke in Glasgow, Aussenantrieb mit Innensteuerung, kräftige Zentralpuffer. Interessant das aufwändige Stadtwappen mit dem Leitspruch "Let Glasgow Flourish"
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow 4004, Hodbarrow Hämatit (Roteisenerz) Minen bei Millom, Cumbria 6
Built in 1890, crane locomotives are a special design within shunting locomotives to be able to lift loads and move them locally at the same time; 0-4-0CT wheel arrangement, discarded in the early 1970s; preserved but not open to the public in 2019.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1890, Kranlokomotiven sind eine Sonderbauform innerhalb der Rangierlokomotiven um Lasten anheben und gleichzeitig örtlich verschieben zu können; Achsfolge 0-4-0CT, Ausrangierung Anfang 1970er; erhalten, aber 2019 nicht öffentlich zugänglich
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E659 4023, Midland Railway 1890
Year of manufacture 1890, 25 units, Parker design, 0-6-0 freight locomotive, Class 3F
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1890, 25 Exemplare, Design Parker, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive, Class 3F
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E661 4100, Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 613
129 examples, Thomas Parker design, 0-6-2T freight locomotive, class 9A, classic interior drive and interior control, discarded until mid-1950s
Caption (German)
129 Exemplare, Design Thomas Parker, 0-6-2T Güterzugslokomotive, Klasse 9A, klassischer Innenantrieb und Innensteuerung, Ausrangierungen bis Mitte 1950er-Jahre
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E668 4163, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E669 4189, Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 663
Built 1891, 25 units, Parker/Pollitt design, 0-6-0 freight locomotive, class 9B for freight and esp. coal traffic, atypical Joy interior control, discarded 1930-1936
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 25 Exemplare, Design Parker/Pollitt, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive, Klasse 9B für Güter- und insb. Kohleverkehr, atypische Joy-Innensteuerung, Ausrangierung 1930-1936
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E669 4189, Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 663
Built 1891, 25 units, Parker/Pollitt design, 0-6-0 freight locomotive, class 9B for freight and esp. coal traffic, atypical Joy interior control, discarded 1930-1936
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 25 Exemplare, Design Parker/Pollitt, 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive, Klasse 9B für Güter- und insb. Kohleverkehr, atypische Joy-Innensteuerung, Ausrangierung 1930-1936
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E671 4247, Ottoman Railway Company (ORC)
4-4-0 express locomotive, UIC: 2'B n2, typical British design. Apparently only two examples of this type were delivered to the ORC, discarded before 1953
Caption (German)
4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, UIC: 2'B n2, typisch britische Bauart. Offenbar wurden der ORC nur zwei Exemplare dieses Typs geliefert, Ausrangierung vor 1953
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E671 4247, Ottoman Railway Company (ORC)
4-4-0 express locomotive, UIC: 2'B n2, typical British design. Apparently only two examples of this type were delivered to the ORC, discarded before 1953.
Caption (German)
4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, UIC: 2'B n2, typisch britische Bauart. Offenbar wurden der ORC nur zwei Exemplare dieses Typs geliefert, Ausrangierung vor 1953
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E675 4261, Bengal-Nagpur Railway (BNR) 83
Year of manufacture 1891, B class
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, B Klasse
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E676 4291, Ferro Carril Costa Rica 26
4-6-0 general-purpose locomotive for Cape gauge, despite the typical British appearance external drive with Walschaerts external control. Interesting the support of the tender: front single axle, rear bogie
Caption (German)
4-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive für Kapspur, trotz der typisch britischen Anmutung Aussenantrieb mit Walschaerts-Aussensteuerung. Interessant die Abstützung des Tenders: vorne Einzelachse, hinten Drehgestell
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E677 4298
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E677 4298
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E677 4298
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E678 4299
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E679 4318, South Eastern Railway (SER) 368
Machine for suburban traffic, closely related to the type "R" of the neighboring London, Chatham and Dover Railway
Caption (German)
Maschine für den Vorortsverkehr, eng verwandt mit dem Typ "R" der benachbarten London, Chatham and Dover Railway
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E682 4355, Metropolitan Railway (MR) 70
Built in 1891, C class, 0-4-4T (based on SER Q class), discarded in 1923. Metropolitan Railway is a predecessor company of the later "Metropolitan Line" of the London Underground network.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, C class, 0-4-4T (based on SER Q class), Ausrangierung 1923. Metropolitan Railway ist eine Vorläufergesellschaft der nachmaligen "Metropolitan Line" des Londoner Untergrundbahn-Netzes
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E683 4368, Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 724
C1' tender locomotive belongs to the "Class N4", developed by Chief Engineer Parker for the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Raiway, which was merged into the "Great Central" in 1923, out of service at the end of 1954
Caption (German)
C1‘ –Tenderlok gehört zur "Class N4", entwickelt von Oberingenieur Parker für die Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Raiway, die 1923 in der "Great Central" aufging, per Ende 1954 ausser Dienst
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 3780, North British Railway (NBR) 690
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E687 4405, Great Northern Railway (GNR) 918
Years of construction 1874-1892, 95 units, design: Patrick Stirling, saddle tank locomotive, type: 0-6-0ST, wet steam two-cylinder with internal cylinder. Dome-less boiler, class 494, later J15 . Discarded most of the machines 1919-1930, one locomotive survived until 1948.
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1892, 95 Exemplare, Design: Patrick Stirling, Satteltanklok, Bauart: 0-6-0ST, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innenzylinder. Domloser Kessel, Klasse 494, später J15 . Ausrangierung der meisten Maschinen 1919-1930, eine Lok überlebte bis 1948.
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E689 4409, Nederlandsche Centraal Spoorweg (NCS) 21
8 examples, 4-4-0 express locomotive, 2'B, discarded 1935-1939
Caption (German)
8 Exemplare, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, 2'B, Ausrangierungen 1935-1939
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E690 4420, Burma State Railways, F class, 118
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E691 4422
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E691 4422
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E692 4426, Piraeus Larissa Railway 301
Year of manufacture 1892, Neilson & Co., 2 copies (No. 301-302)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1892, Neilson & Co., 2 Exemplare (Nr. 301-302)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E693 4428, Highland Railway 89 "Sir George"
Built 1892, 12 examples, design David Jones, 4-4-0 express locomotive, class D or Strath class
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1892, 12 Exemplare, Design David Jones, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, class D oder Strath class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E698 4481, Natal Government Railways (NGR) 89
Built in 1882, 5 units, shunting locomotive, class K, 0-4-0ST wheel arrangement, 1067 mm gauge. Partly via detours, all locomotives arrived at South African Railways in 1912, but were discarded soon thereafter
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1882, 5 Exemplare, Rangierlokomotive, Klasse K, Achsfolge 0-4-0ST, Spurweite 1067 mm. Teilweise über Umwege gelangten alle Loks 1912 zu den South African Railways, wurden aber bald danach ausrangiert
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E699 4486
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E546 2896, Lancashire & Yorkshire (L&Y) 832
Years of construction 1883/84, 96 units, design William Barton Wright, 4-4-0 express locomotive, 629-class
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1883/84, 96 Exemplare, Design William Barton Wright, 4-4-0 Schnellzugslokomotive, 629-class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E618 3695, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR), heavy L class, 27
Built in 1887, 4 units (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, broad gauge (1676mm) freight locomotive, compound version of the twin locomotives class Heavy L (56 units). Type 4-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder compound. Class Heavy L, from 1891 Class A. Converted to twin operation approx. 1901-1902.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, 4 Exemplare (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, Breitspur (1676mm) Güterzugslok, Verbundvariante der Zwillingsloks Klasse Heavy L (56 Exemplare). Bauart 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbund. Klasse Heavy L, ab 1891 Klasse A. Ca. 1901-1902 umgebaut auf Zwillingsbetrieb
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E618 3695, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR), heavy L class, 27
Built in 1887, 4 units (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, broad gauge (1676mm) freight locomotive, compound version of the twin locomotives class Heavy L (56 units). Type 4-6-0 wet steam two-cylinder compound. Class Heavy L, from 1891 Class A. Converted to twin operation ca. 1901-1902.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1887, 4 Exemplare (BNR 27-30, Neilson 3695-3698, Breitspur (1676mm) Güterzugslok, Verbundvariante der Zwillingsloks Klasse Heavy L (56 Exemplare). Bauart 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbund. Klasse Heavy L, ab 1891 Klasse A. Ca. 1901-1902 umgebaut auf Zwillingsbetrieb
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E624 3754, Russell & Spence Railway
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E625 3755, Indian State Railway (ISR)
0-6-0 freight locomotive for narrow gauge, external drive and internal control, F class
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive für Schmalspur, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E628 3776, North Western Railway (NWR)
Built in 1888, 10 or 20 units (NWR 206-225), twin freight locomotive for ramp lines, consisting of two 0-6-0 locomotives, broad gauge 5'-6'' (1676mm), coupled back to back with a common 3-axle tender between them, TG class.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1888, 10 oder 20 Exemplare (NWR 206-225), Zwillings-Güterzuglok für Rampenstrecken, bestehend aus zwei 0-6-0 Loks, Breitspur 5'-6'' (1676mm), Rücken an Rücken gekuppelt mit einem gemeinsamen 3-achsigen Tender dazwischen, Klasse TG
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E634 3849, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
0-6-0 freight locomotive for narrow gauge, outside drive and inside control
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive für Schmalspur, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E634 3800, Argentine North Eastern Railway (FCNEA) 1 "Alvear"
32 copies, 0-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal controls
Caption (German)
32 Exemplare, 0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E635 3808
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E635 3803, I. M. R.
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E636 3843, Great Southern of Spain Railway 1 "Murcia"
Built in 1889, 25 units, 2-6-0 general-purpose locomotives with external drive and internal control, in service until 1970
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1889, 25 Exemplare, 2-6-0 Allzwecklokomotiven mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, bis 1970 in Betrieb
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E637 3849, Indian State Railway (ISR), F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E638 4000, Argentine North Eastern Railway (FCNEA) "Yapeyú"
66 copies, 0-6-0 general-purpose locomotive with external drive and internal controls
Caption (German)
66 Exemplare, 0-6-0 Allzwecklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E647 3818, Administration des chemins de fer (Aegyptische Staatsbahn) 35
12 copies
Caption (German)
12 Exemplare
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E642, Selangor Government Railway (Malaysia) (SCR) 4
25 examples, 4-4-0 Cape gauge, general-purpose type A locomotive for service between Kuala Lumpur and Port Swettenham, out of service in October 1926
Caption (German)
25 Exemplare, 4-4-0 Kapspur, Allzwecklokomotive des Typs A für den Einsatz zwischen Kuala Lumpur und Port Swettenham, ausser Dienst im Oktober 1926
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E649, 3943, Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) No. 21
Years of construction 1889-1894, 40+1 examples, all built by Neilson, broad gauge express locomotive with tender, type 4-4-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class A2, gauge: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1889-1894, 40+1 Exemplare, alle gebaut von Neilson, Breitspur-Schnellzuglokomotive mit Schlepptender, Bauart 4-4-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse A2, Spurweite: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E649, 3943, Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) No. 21
Years of construction 1889-1894, 40+1 examples, all built by Neilson, broad gauge express locomotive with tender, type 4-4-0, wet steam two-cylinder with internal power unit, class A2, gauge: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1889-1894, 40+1 Exemplare, alle gebaut von Neilson, Breitspur-Schnellzuglokomotive mit Schlepptender, Bauart 4-4-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder mit Innentriebwerk, Klasse A2, Spurweite: 5 ft 6 in / 1676 mm
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E650 3953, Chilenische Staatsbahn (EFE) Tipo 44 (Nr. 184)
Year of construction 1889, 4 examples, Nos. 181-184, broad gauge 5'-6'' (1676mm), express locomotive with interior control, class (Tipo) 44, wheel arrangement 4-4-0 (American)
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1889, 4 Exemplare, Nrn. 181-184, Breitspur 5'-6'' (1676mm), Schnellzugslok mit Innensteuerung, Klasse (Tipo) 44, Achsfolge 4-4-0 (American)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E651 3963, Rete Adriatica (RA) 3610
130 examples, 0-6-0 (or C n2), light general-purpose locomotive of type 350, in service until 1930
Caption (German)
130 Exemplare, 0-6-0 (bzw C n2), leichte Allzwecklokomotive vom Typ 350, im Dienst bis 1930
Record Name
Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E651 3963, Rete Adriatica (RA) 3610
130 examples, 0-6-0 (or C n2), light general-purpose locomotive of type 350, in service until 1930
Caption (German)
130 Exemplare, 0-6-0 (bzw C n2), leichte Allzwecklokomotive vom Typ 350, im Dienst bis 1930
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E659, Midland Railway 1890
Years of construction 1890-1891, 100 copies, axle arrangement 0-6-0
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1890-1891, 100 Exemplare, Achsfolge 0-6-0
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E660 4066, South Indian Railway 145
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E660 4066, Southern Mahratta Railway 145, class FM, Achsfolge 0-6-0
External frame and external drive, control system inside. In addition to Neilson, Dübs was also involved in the numerous deliveries. A specimen in the Delhi Railway Museum
Caption (German)
Aussenrahmen und Aussenantrieb, Steuerung inliegend. Neben Neilson war auch Dübs an den zahlreichen Lieferungen beteiligt. Ein Exemplar im Eisenbahnmuseum Delhi
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E662 4132, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 592
years of construction 1889-1892, design T. Parker, LNER type F1, in service until 1949
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1889-1892, Design T. Parker, LNER Typ F1, im Dienst bis 1949
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E666 4160, Sanyo Railway Company of Japan (S. R. Coy of J)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E666 4160, Sanyo Railway Company of Japan (S. R. Coy of J)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E668 4168, Indian State Railway (ISR)
0-6-0 freight locomotive for narrow gauge, external drive and internal control, F class
Caption (German)
0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive für Schmalspur, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E674 4255, Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway & Rajputana Malva Railway (BR&CIR&RMR) 703
Meter gauge 0-6-0 freight locomotive with external drive and internal control, F class
Caption (German)
Meterspurige 0-6-0 Güterzugslokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, F class
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E681 4342[?], Indian State Railway (ISR) - East Coast Railway (ECR) C class
Built in 1891, 30 examples (Nos. 1-30), all built by Neilson (Nos. 4322-4351), broad gauge (1676mm), Class C (compound), 2-6-0 design, wet steam two-cylinder compound with internal power unit.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1891, 30 Exemplare (Nrn. 1-30), alle gebaut von Neilson (Nrn. 4322-4351), Breitspur (1676mm), Schlepptenderlok, Klasse C (Compound), Bauart 2-6-0, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder-Verbund mit Innentriebwerk.
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E684 4380, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) 736
Design T. Parker
Caption (German)
Design T. Parker
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Title (German)
Sharp Stewart and Co. Ltd., Atlas Works Glasgow (SS) 3780, North British Railway (NBR) 690
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E694 4441, Indien, Bengal Doars Railway (BDR) 1
Years of construction 1874-1922, several manufacturers, over 1000 examples practically unchanged, class F meter gauge locomotive for Indian railroads (also in Burma/Myanmar), wheel arrangement 0-6-0, standard locomotive for mixed service (freight and passenger)
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1874-1922, mehrere Hersteller, über 1000 Exemplare praktisch unverändert, Meterspurlokomotive der Klasse F für indische Eisenbahnen (auch in Burma/Myanmar), Achsfolge 0-6-0, Standardlokomotive für gemischten Dienst (Güter- und Personenverkehr)
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E695 4444, 1
0-4-0 factory locomotive with external drive and internal control, no proper couplings, only large-dimensioned shock absorbers
Caption (German)
0-4-0 Werklokomotive mit Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung, keine ordentlichen Kupplungen, nur gross dimensionierte Stosseinrichtungen
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Title (German)
Neilson and Company Glasgow E696 4455, Cape Government Railway (CGR) 340
Years of construction 1892-1893, 38 units, design H.M. Beatty, 4-8-0 two-cylinder wet steam locomotive for heavy freight service, class 7, B/n 4465/189
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1892-1893, 38 Exemplare, Design H.M. Beatty, 4-8-0 Zweizylinder Nassdampflokomotive für schweren Güterverkehr, class 7, B/n 4465/189
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L90, 16627, Cape Government Railway (Railcar Power Unit)
Built in 1906, 1 example, small locomotive, wheel arrangement 0-4-0 as a drive module of a steam railcar, which was mounted on a passenger car in operating condition (right), discarded in 1918 for economic reasons
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1906, 1 Exemplar, Kleinlokomotive, Achsfolge 0-4-0 als Antriebsmodul eines Dampftriebwagens, der im Betriebszustand auf einen Personenwagen aufgesattelt war (rechts), Ausrangierung 1918 aus ökonomischen Gründen
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L101, Shanghai Nanking Railway, no. B 7, Achsfolge 4-6-0
Commissioned in 1905, 10 freight locomotives, numbers B3 to B10, wet steam twin drive, traction wheel diameter 1448mm, normal power unit arrangement, control system according to Stephenson but inside. Popular machines, possibly later converted to superheated steam
Caption (German)
Inbetriebnahme 1905, 10 Güterzugsloks, Nummern B3 bis B10, Nassdampf-Zwillingsantrieb, Triebraddurchmesser 1448mm, normale Triebwerksanordnung, Steuerung nach Stephenson allerdings innen. Beliebte Maschinen, möglicherweise später auf Heissdampf umgebaut
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L102, no. 16711, Shanghai Nanking Railway
Tank locomotive for suburban traffic with surprisingly small coal capacity, class and number unfortunately not yet ascertainable
Caption (German)
Tenderlok für den Vorortverkehr mit erstaunlich kleiner Kohlekapazität, Klassenzugehörigkeit und Anzahl leider bisher nicht ermittelbar
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) L114 16817, Midland & South Western Junction Railway (MSWJR) 1
Built 1905, 2'B n2; 1435 mm, in service 7/1905, 1923 GWR 1119, withdrawn 5/1935, scrapped at Swindon. The Midland & South Western Joint Railway served no parade lines and had a rather light superstructure. For somewhat faster traffic, the railroad, under the overall supervision of Dugald Drummond, procured nine 4-4-0 machines from North British in 1905-1914, without further class designation. The machines joined the Great Western Railway in 1923, but none reached nationalization in 1948.
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1905, 2’B n2; 1435 mm, in Dienst 7/1905, 1923 GWR 1119, kassiert 5/1935, verschrottet in Swindon. Die Midland & South Western Joint Railway bediente keine Paradestrecken und besass einen eher leichten Oberbau. Für den etwas schnelleren Verkehr beschaffte die Bahn unter der Oberaufsicht von Dugald Drummond in den Jahren 1905-1914 bei North British neun 4-4-0 Maschinen, ohne nähere Klassenbezeichnung. Sie trugen die Ordnungsnummern 1 bis 8 und 31. Die Maschinen kamen 1923 zur Great Western Railway, aber keine erreichte die Nationalisierung im Jahre 1948
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L120, 16860, Egyptian Delta Railway, 93
Built in 1903, manufactured by Nasmyth Wilson & Co. and North British, 30 units, 750 mm narrow gauge, a type of steam overland tramway, which is why most of the locomotives had their power units covered, 0-6-2T axle arrangement; a three-axle drive unit is hidden under the casing, steam operation slowly gave way to diesel traction from about 1955 onwards
Caption (German)
Baujahr 1903, Hersteller Nasmyth Wilson & Co. und North British, 30 Exemplare, Schmalspur von 750 mm, eine Art Dampf-Überland-Strassenbahn, weshalb bei den meisten Lokomotiven die Triebwerke verkleidet waren, Achsfolge 0-6-2T; unter der Verschalung verbirgt sich eine dreiachsige Antriebseinheit, Dampfbetrieb wich ab etwa 1955 langsam der Dieseltraktion
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) L135, 16968, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR) 012
Built in 1902/1905, 16 units (001 - 016), 10 of which were built by Sharp Stewart in 1902 and 6 by NBL in 1905; narrow gauge tank locomotive for the Satpura lines (gauge 2' 6'' - 762mm), type 2-8-4T, wet steam two-cylinder, external frame and external drive on Hall's cranks, class A
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1902/1905, 16 Exemplare (001 - 016), davon 10 Ex von Sharp Stewart 1902 und 6 von NBL 1905; Schmalpur-Tenderlokomotive für die Satpura-Strecken (Spurweite 2' 6'' - 762mm), Bauart 2-8-4T, Nassdampf-Zweizylinder, Aussenrahmen und Aussenantrieb auf Hall’sche Kurbeln, Klasse A
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North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) L142, 17085, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 224, class D6
Years of construction 1903/1905, 15 examples, numbers 209 to 224, gauge 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Thanks to a picture of cigarettes (Will's Cigarettes), the color scheme is clear: smokebox and wheels/drive black, boiler and cab crimson with yellow trim lines
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1903/1905, 15 Exemplare, Nummern 209 bis 224, Spurweite 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Dank einem Zigarettenbildchen (Will’s Cigarettes) ist die Farbgebung klar: Rauchkammer und Räder/Antrieb schwarz, Kessel und Führerhaus Karminrot mit gelben Zierlinien
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) L142, 17085, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 224, class D6
Years of construction 1903/1905, 15 examples, numbers 209 to 224, gauge 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Thanks to a picture of cigarettes (Will's Cigarettes), the color scheme is clear: smokebox and wheels/drive black, boiler and cab crimson with yellow trim lines
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1903/1905, 15 Exemplare, Nummern 209 bis 224, Spurweite 5 ft 6 in (1676 mm). Dank einem Zigarettenbildchen (Will’s Cigarettes) ist die Farbgebung klar: Rauchkammer und Räder/Antrieb schwarz, Kessel und Führerhaus Karminrot mit gelben Zierlinien
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L144, no. 17108, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR), no. 0023, class CC, 4-6-2 ("Pacific")
Highly interesting machine: narrow gauge (75 cm !) with external frames on both driving and running axles. Number not clearly determinable, but supplied by North British at least until 1915, so probably larger series. Probably quite long service time: the engine with serial number 17107 (originally probably 0022) was photographed in 1970 in normal service.
Caption (German)
Hoch interessante Maschine: Schmalspur (75 cm !) mit Aussenrahmen sowohl an Trieb- wie auch Laufachsen. Anzahl nicht klar eruierbar, aber von North British geliefert mindestens bis 1915, also wohl grössere Serie. Wahrscheinlich ziemlich lange Dienstzeit: die Maschine mit Fabriknummer 17107 (ursprünglich wohl 0022) wurde noch im Jahr 1970 im Normaldienst fotografiert
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L149, South Indian Railway (SIR) 175, class O
Years of construction 1883-1912, different manufacturers, 297 quite similar examples, but slightly different locomotives for meter gauge, further development of the class M
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1883-1912, verschiedene Hersteller, 297 recht ähnliche Exemplare, aber doch leicht unterschiedliche Lokomotiven für Meterspur, Weiterentwicklung der class M
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L150, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 771, class H1, Achsfolge "Consolidation"
Freight train engine, towing capacity max. 1'000 tons. The color scheme is known thanks to a special stamp of the Sub-Sultanate of Dhufar for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Winston Churchill (1874-1974): Smokebox black, rest reddish brown with yellow trim stripes
Caption (German)
Güterzugsmaschine, Anhängelast max. 1‘000 Tonnen. Die Farbgebung ist dank einer Sonderbriefmarke des Sub-Sultanates von Dhufar zum 100. Geburtstag von Winston Churchill (1874-1974) bekannt: Rauchkammer schwarz, Rest Rotbraun mit gelben Zierstreifen
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L150, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 771
Compact freight train engine for Indian broad gauge, probably wet steam twin, wheel arrangement 2-8-0, class H1
Caption (German)
Kompakte Güterzugsmaschine für indische Breitspur, vermutlich Nassdampf-Zwilling, Achsfolge 2-8-0, class H1
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L154, Bengal & North Western Railway
Metre gauge locomotive for mixed services with classic external drive and Walschaerts control, at that time still a rarity in the British Empire, wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Caption (German)
Meterspurlokomotive für gemischte Dienste mit klassischem Aussenantrieb und Walschaerts-Steuerung, damals im British Empire noch eine Seltenheit, Achsfolge 4-6-0
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L167, North British Railway (NBR), class B, 848
Originally Class B designed by W. P. Reid for long-distance freight service. A total of 76 locomotives were built at North British (40 units) and at the railroad's own Cowlairs workshops (36 units) between 1906-1913. After the Great Northern was absorbed into the LNER in 1923, the engines were transferred to the J35 class and from then until 1942 were converted to hot steam service at a slow rate. At an equally leisurely pace, the engines were gradually withdrawn from service between 1946 and 1962, having provided only subordinate service during the war
Caption (German)
Ursprünglich Class B von W. P. Reid konzipiert für Langstrecken-Güterverkehr. Die insgesamt 76 Loks wurden bei North British (40 Stück) und in den bahneigenen Werkstätten von Cowlairs (36 Einheiten) in den Jahren 1906–1913 erbaut. Nachdem die Great Northern 1923 in der LNER aufgegangen war, wurden die Maschinen in die Klasse J35 übernommen und ab diesem Zeitpunkt bis 1942 in einem langsamen Rhythmus auf Heissdampfbetrieb umgebaut. In einem ebenso gemütlichen Takt wurden die Maschinen zwischen 1946 und 1962 schrittweise ausgemustert, nachdem sie während des Krieges nur noch untergeordnete Dienste versehen hatten
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L176, East Indian Railway 230
Broad gauge freight locomotive, external drive and internal control according to Stephenson, wheel arrangement 2-8-0, class GL
Caption (German)
Breitspur-Güterzuglokomotive, Aussenantrieb und Innensteuerung nach Stephenson, Achsfolge 2-8-0, class GL
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L178, Compania Minera de Sierra Menera 11 "Rosario"
Mining company (iron ore) in the province of Teruel/Spain, the ore was transported from the mining area to the Mediterranean port of Sagunto. For this purpose, 16 NBL two-cylinder hot steam locomotives were used, delivery period: 1906-1913, in service until 1973, then transition to diesel operation until ore mining ceased. All 16 locomotives with the wheel arrangement (French) 240 bore first names, commissioning of no. 11 "Rosario": 1907
Caption (German)
Bergbaufirma (Eisenerz) in der Provinz Teruel/Spanien, vom Abbaugebiet wurde das Erz zum Mittelmeerhafen Sagunto transportiert. Dazu dienten 16 NBL-Zweizylinder-Heissdampf-Dampfloks, Lieferzeitraum: 1906-1913, im Dienst bis 1973, danach Übergang zum Dieselbetrieb bis zur Einstellung des Erzabbaus. Alle 16 Maschinen mit der Achsfolge (frz.) 240 trugen Vornamen, Inbetriebnahme von Nr. 11 "Rosario": 1907
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L200, Medina del Campo Railway
built 1907-1909, 6 units, for lighter and rather fast freight service, taken over by RENFE in 1941 as class 230 and remained active until around 1960, one unit is preserved in a museum in Madrid
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1907-1909, 6 Exemplare, für den leichteren und eher schnellen Güterzugsdienst, 1941 von der RENFE als Baureihe 230 übernommen und blieben bis um ca. 1960 aktiv, ein Exemplar ist in Madrid museal erhalten
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L187, Imperial Railway of Northern China
10 copies, saddle tank tender machine
Caption (German)
10 Exemplare, Satteltank-Tendermaschine
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L204, 4-6-2, Cordoba Central Railway 201
In several respects most interesting locomotive: From the type or the axle sequence it is a "Pacific", so Whyte notation 4-6-2, but this obviously for overseas narrow gauge (which was already altogether rather rare) and then still with external frame and drive via Hall's cranks, the driving axle even with crank with counterweight. Surprisingly, the crosshead of the machine is covered, so there must have been influences which could have damaged the important slideways there.
Caption (German)
In mehrfacher Hinsicht höchst interessante Lokomotive: Vom Typ bzw. der Achsfolge her ist es eine "Pacific", also Whyte-Notation 4-6-2, dies aber offensichtlich für Übersee-Schmalspur (was schon insgesamt eher selten war) und dann noch mit Aussenrahmen und Antrieb via Hall’sche Kurbeln, die Triebachse sogar mit Kurbel mit Gegengewicht. Erstaunlicherweise ist der Kreuzkopf der Maschine verkleidet, also muss es Einflüsse gegeben haben, welche den dort wichtigen Gleitbahnen hätten schaden können
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L212, "Atlantic" (System Whyte 4-4-2), Great Indian Peninsula Railway, No 921
Built 1907-1908, twin wet steam version, internal name "Flyers", 1925-1928 consequently converted to hot steam operation, according to a "cigarette picture" the locomotives were painted mainly dark green with yellow trim stripes, underframe and smokebox black
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1907-1908, Zwillings-Nassdampfausführung, interner Name "Flyers", 1925-1928 folgerichtig Umbau auf Heissdampfbetrieb, gemäss einem "Zigarettenbildchen" sind die Lokomotiven vorwiegend dunkelgrün mit gelben Zierstreifen lackiert gewesen, Untergestell und Rauchkammer schwarz
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L215, no. 17808, Furness Railway 96
Under Chief Engineer W. F. Pettigrew, the L3 class for short-haul freight service was created in 1907. Six units were built, which were given the road numbers 96, 97 and 108-111. The retirement of this series began as early as 1931 and continued until 1941.
Caption (German)
Unter Chefingenieur W. F. Pettigrew entstand 1907 die Klasse L3 für Kurzstrecken-Güterverkehr. Es wurden 6 Stück gebaut, welche die Betriebsnummern 96, 97 und 108-111 erhielten. Die Ausrangierung dieser Serie begann bereits 1931 und zog sich bis 1941 hin
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow, Atlas Works (NBL) L218, 17827, Bengal Nagpur Railway, no. 0038
Track gauge 2 ft 6 in (762 mm). Narrow gauge "Pacific" with an outer frame and drive via cranks, but here the crosshead is not boarded up
Caption (German)
Spurweite 2 ft 6 in (762 mm). Schmalspur-"Pacific" mit Aussenrahmen und Antrieb über Kurbeln, allerdings ist der Kreuzkopf hier nicht verschalt
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L220, 0-6-0, Furness Railway, Klasse D4, 6
Classic freight train engine. The Furness Railway owned 4 of this series marked as class D4, they bore the road numbers 3-6, in service until 1930-1934
Caption (German)
Klassische Güterzugsmaschine. Die Furness Railway besass 4 Stück dieser als Klasse D4 gekennzeichneten Serie, sie trugen die Betriebsnummern 3–6, in Betrieb bis 1930-1934
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L232, Shanghai Nanking Railway C 21
10 units, express locomotive, external drive with internal control according to Stephenson, 4-4-0 wheel arrangement, class C
Caption (German)
10 Exemplare, Schnellzugslokomotive, Aussenantrieb mit Innensteuerung nach Stephenson, Achsfolge 4-4-0, class C
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company, Atlas Works, Glasgow (NBL) L244, 18048, Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR) 384 "Albemarle"
Built 1907-1909, 15 units (384-398), delivered in 3 lots by NBL and Robert Stephenson, broad gauge express locomotive (gauge 5' 6'' - 1676 mm), 4-6-0 wet steam twin with external drive and Walschaerts control, class GM, most locomotives decommissioned 1949-1957
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1907-1909, 15 Exemplare (384-398), geliefert in 3 Losen von NBL und Robert Stephenson, Breitspur-Schnellzugslokomotive (Spurweite 5' 6'' - 1676 mm), 4-6-0 Nassdampf-Zwilling mit Aussenantrieb und Walschaerts-Steuerung, Klasse GM, Ausrangierung der meisten Loks 1949-1957
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L257, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 785, class H1, 2-8-0 ("Consolidation")
Compact-built 2-8-0 "Consolidation" for freight service (driving wheel diameter 55 inches = approx. 1375 mm), presumably wet steam twin drive, first Great Indian Peninsular engine for train loads over 1000 t
Caption (German)
Kompakt gebaute 2-8-0 "Consolidation" für Güterverkehr (Triebraddurchmesser 55 inches = ca. 1375 mm), vermutlich Nassdampf-Zwillingsantrieb, erste Maschine der Great Indian Peninsular für Zuglasten über 1000 t
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L265, Highland Railway, class U, 61
Design Peter Drummond. This small series of 6 machines, built in 1908/09, bore the nickname "Large Ben", in contrast to the very similar, but somewhat smaller "Small Ben" (Ben=Mountain). All 6 machines had names. The pictured machine No. 61 is the first of the series, it was put into service in May 1908 and lasted until May 1936.
Caption (German)
Design Peter Drummond. Diese kleine Serie von 6 Maschinen, erbaut 1908/09 trug den Übernamen "Large Ben", dies im Gegensatz zu den sehr ähnlichen, aber etwas kleineren "Small Ben" (Ben=Berg). Alle 6 Maschinen trugen Namen. Die abgebildete Maschine No. 61 ist die erste der Serie, sie wurde im Mai 1908 in Betrieb genommen und überdauerte bis zum Mai 1936
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L274, Peking Kalgan Railway (Mallet) 21
built in 1907-1908, sliding locomotive according to Mallet system, 0-6-6-0 wheel arrangement
Caption (German)
Baujahre 1907-1908, Schiebelokomotive nach System Mallet, Achsfolge 0-6-6-0
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow, Atlas Works (NBL) L277, 18330, Bengal Nagpur Railway B0017
Built ca. 1908-1915, 7 examples, heavy freight locomotive, wheel arrangement 2-8-2 for the 75 cm narrow gauge lines of the Bengal-Nagpur, class B, gauge 2 ft 6 in (762 mm)
Caption (German)
Baujahre ca. 1908-1915, 7 Exemplare, schwere Güterzugslokomotive, Achsfolge 2-8-2 für die 75 cm-Schmalspurstrecken der Bengal-Nagpur, class B, Spurweite 2 ft 6 in (762 mm)
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Title (German)
North British Locomotive Company Glasgow (NBL) L282, Ferrocarril Cordoba y Nor-Oeste Railway 10
The Ferrocarril Cordoba y Nor-Oeste was a branch line in Argentina that had only 11 locomotives, merged into the Ferrocarril Central Norte in 1909. Nos. 10 and 11 of North British were the youngest and strongest of the railroad. Pre-existing, there were already 8 machines with the same 4-6-0 axle arrangement, which, unlike Nos. 10 and 11, also bore names. No. 10 was withdrawn from service in 1932
Caption (German)
Die Ferrocarril Cordoba y Nor-Oeste war eine Nebenbahn in Argentinien, die nur 11 Lokomotiven besass, 1909 in der Ferrocarril Central Norte aufgegangen. Nr. 10 und 11 von North British waren die jüngsten und stärksten der Bahn. Vorbestehend gab es schon 8 Maschinen mit der gleichen Achsfolge 4-6-0, die im Gegensatz zu den Nrn. 10 und 11 auch noch Namen trugen. Nr. 10 wurde 1932 aus dem Verkehr gezogen
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